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Welcome to the world of KESTY!

Please pardon our dust. We are Under Construction


News and Announcements

8/30/04 If anyone wants to take over this site...please let me know ASAP!
3/17/04 KESTY had a new policy that offers discounts to members who bring a friend to an event. Check it out!
3/7/04 Thanks to everyone who helped with any aspect of the Purim carnival.  It was awesome!
2/11/04 The Purim Carnival is just around the corner!  Please come to the planning meeting, or help us out with our bake sale!
1/23/04 Thanks for everyone who helped with the service or attended. If you have any suggestions for new events, please send them to us!
12/13/03 Thanks to everyone who donated for our toiletries drive! It was a great success! Keep saving those pop tabs!
11/22/03 Ice skating has been cancelled! Sorry for the inconvenience.
11/19/03 Like the new logo? Think you can do better? Send all drawings to Temple and computer images here!
10/29/03 The website is getting updated! It may not look very different, but it's a whole lot easier on this end. Please let me know if anything doesn't work the way it's supposed to.
10/26/03 Save your sample-sized toiletries (soap, shampoo, etc...), shoe boxes, and Christmas wrapping paper for our SOME Toiletries Kits. Thanks!
10/9/03 Don't forget to turn in your Membership Applications!
6/3/03 NFTY-MAR is collecting pop tabs from all sorts of soda cans. If you drink canned soda, please save your tabs and bring them to any KESTY event. There is also a can in the downstairs lobby where you can put them. The tabs help Ronald McDonald House. Thanks for your help!


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This page was last updated on August 30, 2004


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