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Kelly's Webpage

My Favorite Web Sites

The Clarks

That's Me!

Just some pictures from the first couple weekends at school. One's with B.J. and the rest are all erie people! (2 of them next year's roomies - love ya car cait and jules!!)
Some pictures with my girls when i was back home for the weekend on october 10th
More pictures with the girls from home (and one with carly from up here that got mixed in)- miss and love you guys!!
Pictures from when Victoria and Stacie visited and Ohio State/Halloween weekend at school.
More pictures partying at school with my PSU girls, some of the guys up here, and a couple of visitors!
All of these are Halloween night - some at Matt Steelers apartment, others at Civ's apartment and the rest at Alan and Travis's house.
Dixie chicks concert at MCI center
Buffett this year tailgaiting with Britt and her sister....didn't compare to last year but it was definitly still a good time!

A couple of us up visiting Penn State one weekend...the fun has only just begun!
My graduation party...this were all taken early because 3 kegs later into the evening nobody was in any shape to be taking pictures
Prom pictures - 1. All the girls, 2. Me in front of the limo, 3. Dinner
Before, During, and After HFStival 2003...see the difference!?
Pictures taken at my house throughout a couple nights....the first ones are Sean, Charlie, and I. Afterwards are Drew, Pat, and I. Then it's Brittany, Caroline and I.
Girls from work at Kristen's graduation party.
Bolton and Adam (from ECU) after stealing the Morningwood sign at the St. Patrick's Day party
Me with Craiger and with Rick on our way home from The Clarks concert on the metro.
ECU pictures (from top to bottom): Sean and I in his room early in the night; Nasty Nate and I - 8 kegs later; Nick and I laughing about who knows what; Some of the fraternity boys taking shots; Sean and Vinny, this tight guy from NY; Just a few of the Phi Tau guys; Me - hammered; McGowen and I just chillin
Beer pong anyone?
Eileen, Jenna, and I one night in the basement with nothing really to do.
Some of my cousins and me on Christmas
Sean, some of his friends, and me on Christmas Eve during break this year.
My family and I in New Jersey for Thanksgiving this year.
Merry Christmas 2002!
December 31, 2002 pre-blackout mode
These pictures are from our Scooby Doo Homecoming Hall '03. Finally after 3 years of getting 4th place we won!
The one of all the girls is at my birthday just before we went to see O.A.R. in Georgetown (we're at the metro). The others are of Sara, Jenna, Katie, and I.
Up close and personal with Scott Blasey (lead singer) at The Clarks concert. God damn is he hot!
That's me with my dad and Uncle G. He's a legend at the beer pong table down here (most noteworthy for "the lean")
I'm all dressed up before Homecoming last year and took pictures at my house. One is of my family and I, another of Katie and I, and the last is Sean and some of his frat brothers with me.
That's me drinking with my aunt's dog Dakota one night this summer. With 7 people, a keg, and a dog, I'd say we were pretty twisted.
In these pictures I'm with Corey and Corey's birthday and before The Clark's concert.
Katie and I one night at the shore chilling in the hammock!
Corey, Sara, and I before Jimmy Buffett. Considering that we hadn't even got to the concert yet, you can guess how hammered we were by the end of the night (your guess is as good as mine).
