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Style, Grace, In your Face
Thursday, 3 July 2003
Oh Mister Sandman...
Well, well, well. What have we here? geezzzz today was boring. Basketball camp this morning with mister sunshine, Coach Bell. I swear- that man is so chipper in the mornings it drives me mad. I was the one on one championnn... I guess that was exciting. (Kelly- you're still awesome! Can't wait to play with you this year! You're gonna be an awesome guard! I just had a slight height advantage)
Got home and went online... the usual... talked to Brianney, Ashley and Sam... nothing very exciting.
I should really really start writing again. I think one of my reviewers might hunt me down and kill me soon if I don't update that Katie/Wood story soon. :-/
I did see Alex and Emma today with los padres. HOW FUN! haha that was alright... I really need to do something with my friends coughBRIEcough. Maybe I could get someone to call me coughBRIEcough. I guess that means that since I don't have my peoples to hang out with that I should be reading something from the summer reading list.. or writing... or playing ball... or doing ANYTHING other than sitting on my butt watching movies.

Yeah, well... I'm out of things to bore you with. I'll catch up with you all in a bit...


Posted by md3/jeterhoney02 at 8:36 PM EDT
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