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******White Trash!!******
Johnny Webb
Gimme A Beer!
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Everyone in the KOTX tourney
Current XPW World Champ, 1 time Xtreme Hardcore Champ
Enjoy my roleplay


Don't steal or I will hack your ass!

* The crowd is silent when Rage Against The Machine " Killing in the Name of" blares and Johnny Webb appears on top of the entrance ramp with his XPW World Heavyweight Title and KGXF Cruiserweight Title. Johnny Webb walks down a little bit and puts his belts in each hand and holds them up in the form of an X over his head as the Confederate colors of red and blue pyrotechincs blast off behind him to form an X. Webb walks down the ramp and looks at the crowd as he does. Webb climbs the apron and steps in. Webb climbs the turnbuckle and holds the XPW World Heavyweight Title and the KGXF Cruiserweight Title in the air as the flashbulbs pop around the arena. Johnny Webb steps down and looks at the ring announcer, Jilian Farcia.

Jilian Farcia: Now in the ring, the current XPW World Champion and KGXF Cruiserweight Champion, "White Trash" Johnny Webb!!!!!!!!

Jilian Farcia hands Webb the microphone as the crowd roars. The crowd finally quiets down and "White Trash" Johnny Webb begins to speak.

:: Johnny Webb :: Well well well.... looks like some people were wrong. Before my match against Shawn Cash, lots of people doubted me whether I could win or not. People thought Cash was never going to lose the KGXF Cruiserweigth Title but look who has it now! No one thinks I can acheive anything more than being a tag team wrestler here in the KGXF! Well, that makes me kind of like someone I watched in the NCAA Men's Basketball Championship, Juan Dixon. As probably all of you know, Juan's parents died very early in his life and no one ever thought he could rise to anything. Now, he's a national champion and he is going to play in the NBA. That's kind of like me. I started out as a XPW World Heavyweight Champion and when I came to KGXF everyone though I would be 0-100. I had to work my way up the ladder here in the KGXF every single damn day to get to where I am now. Most obstacles that have been thrown in my way, I have beaten them. Now, I'm not saying I'm in the elite ranks of the KGXF because I'm not yet! Now, as many people doubted me when I first came to the KGXF and as they did for the Cruiserweight Title match, people are doubting me against my first challenger Rob Van Dam. RVD, you come back to the KGXF and attack some of the best wrestlers ever to step in the ring, two former World Heavyweight Champions, Pezell and Steve Corino. I have one question, what in the hell are you thinking RVD? You are worth absoluetly nothing here in the KGXF, yet, you go out and try to become a superstar in all of ten seconds. Bad idea. Now, you've been booked to fight me, Johnny Webb!, for my Cruiserweight Title! The KGXF might as well not even assign a referee for this matchup, because I am going to beat you down with every weapon I can find. I'll beat you with trash cans, kendo sticks, tables, chairs, lead pipes, sledgehammers, barbed wire, thumb tacks, and even a kitchen sink if I need it! There's no way I'm going to lose to you RVD. If I have to die saving my Cruiserweigth title, then I will! RVD, everything you try to do, will be countered. Say you throw a chair at me for the Van Daminator, I'll hit you in the head with that chair, breaking your neck! If you try to hit the Van Terminator, then I'll move and you'll break your ankles! You try the Five Star Frog Splash, then I'll get both of my knees up, breaking your rib cage! So basically Rob Van Dam, anything you try, you're going to end up going to the hospital becuase of my counter attacks! And also, let's not forget MY moves! If you even think you can survive the Trash Dump, then you'll think again once you're neck is in a brace, because it's broken! If you think you are going to escape the Welfare Check, well then you better check you're spine after it's snapped in about twenty-five pieces! Bring whatever you want to Raw is Xtreme on Monday Night, because the only thing that matters is that I will be leaving with these ::taps on his belts:: no matter what it takes!

Webb drops the microphone and leaves to "Killing in the Name of".~

White Trash Johnny Webb!