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Welcome to Angel Stars web ring.

Those of us that have lost a loved one no matter how we lost them do not want them to be forgotten. I have started this web ring as a way to share our loved ones stories with people. If you have a memorial page to some one that you have lost for any reason and of any age you are welcome and encouraged to join. Since my son was lost to a drunk driver I also welcome anyone that has a page pointing out the dangers of DWI or DUI. Please help us share our loved ones with others. I also hope to stop preventable deaths of any kind. If you have a web ring that I haven't joined and would like me to join please let me know. Thank you and may your memories ease your grief.


You will have to save the picture from this page to your hard drive and then upload it to your site directory or file manager. The filename of the picture is angelstarpic.jpg. After you have signed up you will be taken to a page with the code you need to add to your site. You will need to add you id number where the *'s are and you will need to add you information where you see all caps in the words. Please leave the page address where the code will be placed. If you have your webrings on a seperate page that is the address we will need. The spider checks for the code about once a week and only searches the page addresses given. You can put a link to your homepage on that page so everyone will see your whole site. Thank you.


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(ie: 1999)
By law, we cannot collect personal information on anyone under the age of 13. Because of this we do not allow anyone 13 or under to Join a RingSurf Net Ring, or become a Ringmaster, and thus we are forced to ask you to specify your birthdate. If you are under the age of 14, you may not become a member of RingSurf. You may use the Ring Directory and use any existing ring, you just may not start a new ring, or add your website to an existing ring. See our privacy statement if you have any questions on how we handle your personal data.
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