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July, 1, 04

Sorry I havent updated, my dvd burner died and Im awaiting repairs. In other news I got my first car! A '94 Geo Tracker, nice! Check back to see when my post goes back online.
February 14 2004-I havent forgot about my adoring fans. I will be opening again for trades soon.. I will even offer DVD trades. I am recovering from a from a fatal tape order that left me with a lot of unusable tapes. I have been obtaining episodes in DivX format.. The ones that I deem good enough to be part of my DVD transfer project, will be at least B- quality.. I will note whether the copy was originally DivX just in case that is not acceptable to you.. I will be adding a second hard drive to my computer to accomodate these DivX copies..

November 14 2003-Added some things, revamped the linkspage. I know you hate the popups on my site,, theres a little goodie on the links page to take care of that.

Problem with my Political views?

Too bad!, nobody forced you to come here and noone is forcing you to remain here. Simply hold Alt and push F4.

Problems with my programming skills?

Kiss my asphalt! I tested out of Intro to Computers before I enrolled in college (can you?) . I know enough about HTML design to get by. My site conveys the info it needs to. Hey Ive seen worse websites.

Those answers dont satisfy you?

Then Click Here

Curious about my consevativism?

You can view my viewpoints by clicking here.However only do so if you can accept the fact that not everybody will agree with you. I will not refuse to work with you on trades just because I disagree and I expect you not to do that as well.

Email: Email Me!!