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look at me now, i bet you're probably sick of me now


my name is catherine. lots of people call me kitty cat , cat, gurly gurl , babygurl , jennilo, and all that good stuff. iam seventeen years old , soon to be eighteen on october 18th of this year. born in VIRGINIA, which is the place to beee...i am a graduate of paint branch high skool and is a freshman at the univeristy of maryland, baltimore county. my home is in silver spring, maryland but iam living in baltimore while iam in skool. i drive a 2002 dark red mustang and yes i can beat any o honda =D...iam SINGLE at the moment and will probably stay that way cuz guys are jerkz...oh and i wanna get married when im 22=D

i love god, <3EMINEM<3, sweet friends, little babies, chilling with loved ones, cold drinks, driving at nite, watching the tellie, sweet talks at nite, beautiful people, makeup, movie dates, long hair, glitter, buying stuff, trips, laughter, sweet hugs, nail polish, rainbow sherbert, money, marriage, jennifer lopez, pictures, magazines, jarule, musik, smiles, caring people . . . i hate the devil, bin ladden, ex-pb gurls, cheating/abusing boyfriends/husbands, bad parents, being hot!


my favorite colors are pink and greeen. my favorite numbers are 7 and 24. my favorite foods are anything that has to do with chicken and shrimp. my favorite drinks are diet coke, strawberry daqs, hard lemonade, and cold ass water. my favorite tellie shows are "the golden girls" "friends" "roseanne" "gilmore girls" "the osbournes" and "the real world." my favorite movies are selena, clueless, crazy/beautiful, and every funny/sad movie there is.