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Circle Français

Thank you so much for visiting and welcome. You have now entered the world of Circle Français. Or as others may call it, French Club. This will be our second year at Allegany High School so we're getting started again. Last year went better than I think any of the officers had anticipated. Our meetings went rather well for a first year club. We celebrated occasions such as All Saints Day, the holiday season and even researched into the process of wine making. We had games, a drinking song and so much food throughout the year. In addition we also had our two big events. Our holiday party was a blast. One of our members, Ashton Hite, graciously offered her home for the event and her mom made so much amazing food. We had a great time exchanging presents, making crepes and talking non stop. However the best part of the year was the grand finale. We took a trip to Frostburg to eat a delicious meal at Au Petite Paris. I think we all tried something new that evening (most of us had a taste of snails) and ate a huge amount of great food (the salmon was amazing). I know that we all had a lot of fun and even learned a few things in the process. I can’t tell you how glad I am that I was a member and officer of the French club. I’m sure that this year will go just as well so I hope that you join us! I’ll be sure to be back when school starts to let everyone know about upcoming events, meetings and everything in between. Au revoir! Just a side note. The only requirements for joing the French Club are that you have $4 and an interest in the French culture. Hope to see you at the next meeting!

Circle Français Officers

Some great links for an even deeper look into language

A great page for translating text
The official AFS website- Another club about different cultures
Allegany's AFS website
This is another site to translate from one language to the next
