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January 1, 2002~
A new Year starts this day, as does a new addition to FAW. No it is not another member, but in fact, another moderator, Cluster Fly! Cluster Fly is indeed a member of the FAW Ring but she and Kioa will now be partners in maintaining the webring and site. I welcome you, Cluster Fly!!

Welcome to FAW! I think this layout has better navigation and loading time then the last one. FAW is the abbreviation for Free Anime Webgraphics. This site is the homepage for the FAW Webring. Anyone who has a site which offers anime layouts, banners, or web graphics, THAT THEY THEMSELVES CREATED, can join the WebRing. For more information please go to the Info Section. Thanks,
~Kioa and Cluster Fly, maintainers of the FAW homepage and Webring

Have any questions? comments? put them here (click that word)

I got my web address at for free!

All anime characters pictured have copyright by their respective owners. FAW Webring, Kioa, and Cluster Fly do not take credit of them.