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Lord of the Rings
My Sharon
Rich's Work
About Me

Welcome, I'm Cowyannker and this is my page



Updates:  Check out the team Slacker Hackers page at https://www.angelfire.com/theforce/slackerhackers 

Check out me and my Sharon, my girlfriend of now almost two years. Then see the friends page for pics and stuff on my assorted friends.

Visit my new Lord of the rings page for my completely original history on the rings of power from The Silmarillion to The Return of the King. Take it if you like it just give credit were credit is due. Thanks

Ultima is the best roleplaying game ever. Check out my info and screenshots.

Rich is my all knowing computer teacher. Work from his class is posted here.

You can also check out my first web page at http://www.cowyannker.50megs.com.


Please sign the guest book and give me some suggestions or E-mail me at Cowyannker@excite.com. I am also on AOL Instant Messanger under the name Cowyannker.

    As for me, I am a slightly disturbed 17 year old senior from a high school in the middle of a corn field, literally. I enjoy collecting coins and am currently a member of the United States Airforce. I am a computer technician and one day hope of owning my own business  and having a small slightly disturbed family. A simple American dream is my own. Check out more about me on the About Me page. 


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