This layout was made by a friend of a friend and the banner above was made by former Molly Holly of XWA (Thank you very much). Don't steal anything that isn't yours aka leave my stuff alone. Thank you.


Chameleon sits in the back watching the promos of Mya and Jade. As she sits watching Jade's last promo she just starts to laugh to herself. She gets up and walks out of her room. Suddenly, "Blue Monday" by Orgy plys loudly over the PA system and after a minute or so of the song, Chameleon makes her appearance. The crowd cheers loudly as she walks down the ramp and gets into the ring. She gets a mic from a gawking Tony Chimel. Her music cuts as she smiles at the fans.

I was just backstage listening to some of the pathetic words coming out of the mouths of my opponents on Smackdown. I know you all heard it, so it must be hilarious to you guy too. Instead of speaking the truth, their going around talking about bullshit. Obviously stuff their wishing would happn to them. Well, I'm sorry girls. It's just not going to happen. I won't let it happen. I have the qualities of a champion and would a champion let her fan down, no. That's why I intend to keep them happy by putting up a hell of a fight and by beating the likes of Jade and Mya. First, I'd like to break it down for all of you who would like to know why these two are pathetic. One, they share a brain. They both think that I'm in the worst situation in my life, when in fact, I am in the best situation. Having the chance to beat two, supposedly, "top divas" in one night. What else could a girl like me ask for. Two, you both seem to think that you're going to win this match. Well, right now we're going to nip that opinion in the bud. Everyone in this federation, in this arena, in this state, in this country, in this country, on this continent, on this planet, in this atmosphere knows that I am going to win this match. If it's not obvious to you two by now than you need to wake up. You've been living in some dream world and I'd hate to be the one that burst you're perfect life bubble but there can only be one winner and you're looking at her.

Now, Jade, you know very well when I beat you, there wre no distractions. Memorial Day my ass, stop trying to come up with reaons why I beat you and just admit what is a fact. You can refuse a second victory over you verbally but tonight that's exactly what's going to happen. You will fall to me once again and no words that you say is going to change that. In school, I was always the rebellious type, you know, never wanted to be in class. If those teachers couldn't teach me a lesson then, well, you can't teach me a lesson now. You may be calculating moves from me but you know what, I'm coming up with even more moves to use against you. You're no match for me Jade an I don't know why you haven't realized that yet. I refuse to be defeated by you or Mya because you simply don't add up to what my standards are. You don't want to be called a diva? Well, I don't care. I will call you a true competitor when you become a true competitor. I wouldn't call a puppy a dog so I'm not going to call you what you think you are. Besides, you should be honored to be called a diva. Some of the greatest women in the world today were divas. Too bad you will never become one of the greatest women in the world today. I will, of course, but that's another subject for another time. Yes, I am the only woman to defeat you and tonight you will not become the only woman to defeat me. Jade, your words are nothing to me. Just because you tell me that you're going to pound me doesn't mean that it will happen. You may do whatever to Mya but believe me I am much tougher than Mya. You know that. And what the hell is he Flatner? Is that your finisher? Well, if it is, it's a joke. What do you do, clothesline me? That's why the Sight Unseen will take you out. You think the Stratusfaction is better than your move well mine is better than that. I've never experienced the Stratusfaction, but from a friend who has, it's not all that hot. Did you win your matches with your finisher bcause if you did, I'm going to laugh my ass off. You can't flatten me Jade. Not even if you tried wih a steamroller. I've got too much drive, too much energy, too much determination.

Now Mya, you're not a bigger joke than Jade but you've got your share of laughs. I agree with Jade on this on, you can't compare what's going to happen in real life to a video game. That's absolutely absurd. Do you actually believe I would be as stupid as a video game, I don't think so. Again, you think I'm having a bad week or whatever, well that's not true. I think your week just got a little worse because you have to become another person on my victims list. Along with Jade, Molly, Zoe, and Lita. Is there a reason that you're making fun of my name? My name is Chameleon because when I got here I had no real identity and I still don't. I'm just kind of blending in with everyone and just starting to make a name for myself. But why my name is Chameleon has nothing to do with this match. Now, since you don't have as much to say about the match as Jade did, I'm going to wrap this up. I've got a public signing I need to get to before Smackdown and I don't want to be late.

|~[*]~|Chameleon gives the mic back to Chimel and gives him a quick glance making him smile. She gets out of the ring and goes backstage.|~[*]~|