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Ray "Captain" Bly for U.S. Congress!

Check out WWW.RAYBLY.COM for my book, appliance store, and any updates to my candidacy.

I believe I am the only true Christian Republican running for the District 7 Office.

The other so-called Republican Candidate is a member of the constitution party . He just switch to the Republican party to run 4 months ago. He is promoting the constitution party and he is for total abortion bans. I found out at a forum last night he is a right wing, right to life person, and has only been a republican for 4 months. When I Goggle him, he is the head of the constitution party of Maryland. Personally, I am Republican for 30 Years but have some Democrat, Green Party, Constitution Party, and Independent ideas, but mostly a true conservative Christian “a Billy Graham Christian.” I think you should live 24 hours a day and 7 days a week as a Christian not just part time at church on Sundays. I am the only republican running and the only one for the people and will be by the people. We the people must stand up and take back our government.

Please go to and read all about it. You will love the idea and I hope you will support it to.

I like how Congress Elijah Cummings says we are the greatest country in the world. What a lie!!!!! We are between 40 and 60 down in the world in education, housing, and health care. We have fewer rights then many countries. Our news media lies. When the BBC world news said most of the world hate us and does not trust us there was an up razing against the BBC news. We need to become the world’s leader again in trust, Education, Housing, and Health care for everyone. We need to stop buying goods from countries that have little or no Human Rights. What is Human Rights. To be poor or to be able to cheat people to be a Billion airs or those we take care of everyone like health care, housing for the poor, and a good education for all. If you are rich then you will think we are the best country in the world. Your money can buy you anything in the USA.

Congressman Cummings Time has come. What has he done for the USA lately. This is why I would vote for term limits. Money Greed and power gets to you after a while. When Elected, my office will fight for you and the VETS. I will fights for our rights.

Blogs say I am a perennial loser. Maybe I have lost to big money and well known names but not this time .I got 4% OF the vote last time and only spend 15 cents a vote. Not 50 Dollars a vote. I am a fighter and will never give up the fight for public office and America and the GOP. Vote for me. A true GOP and Christian candidate. If you want the constitution party then vote for the other GOP candidate. Lets get back our GOP and our Christian morals. Stop big money from power.

I would like to talk to you. Please call me at 410-799-5541 930 A.M. to 130 P.M. Or stop by and say high at my store 8087 Washington Blvd. Jessup Md.20794. I am 1/4 mile south of 175 on the left side of rt. 1 I will not side track answers like others do but will tell what I think point blank. I will not tell you what you want to hear either, I will just tell you the truth of what I think. E-mail me questions at and I will try to answer as fast as I can. If you would like me to come to your store, Church, or hall to speak please call me at least 24 hours before and I will come if you are the first appointment that asks. Thank you.

I am maybe going to also vote Ron Paul. Even thought I only agree with about 20% of what he stands for. All other candidates I like less then 10%. Right now

If you want to meet me I am at the circuit court of Howard County mornings from 8am to 9am. I am the car with all the protest signs on it. With these signs, I hope I will keep that court honest and to stop them from doing to others as they did to me. Today, wbal 11 news was there and did not even ask what I was doing there. Jan 8, 2008.

With prove of the victim being an illegal alien and 22 at that time and with prove that the whole trial was perjury I would think a lawyer or newspaper would have wanted my story and seen the evidence. To my surprise not body will talk to me. As you think I am just another guilty person Trying to get out of it. Don’t all criminals say they are innocent???????? Well I am!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can prove it with their own evidence that they with-held.

I do not want your money, I will not owe anyone, I just need your vote to bring back America for the people and by the people.

We are in a war to fight extremist Muslims, we also support extremist Muslims countries like Saudi Arabia. This is kind of funny. The Right Wing Christians want to impose their extreme Right Wing views on the American public. I believe as a Christian that I cannot impose my religious beliefs on everybody without losing some of my own rights. Are you a Baptist? That is not being a Christian according to the 7th Day Adventist or Catholics, and the Jews would say that Jesus was only a prophet not the Son of God as I believe. To force the population of America to live under one rule of Christianity would take the rights of most Christian’s away, as well as all the other religions that can openly practice in America. I am against abortion, but in a Demographic Society we should not and cannot ban it, but limit it to the first trimester Christians if you want to remain free to practice your own type of Christianity, then please do not try to impose on the rest of us.

I am a convicted felon. Like a lot of the members of Congress. When the county couldn’t force me out of my home, and when county officials even threatened to tear down my home I stood up and said with arm conflict you will just try touching my home. I am not a normal American; I have been programmed by the U. S. Army for two years. Brainwashing me to make me think that I was bringing the Viet Nam people, freedom, the Bill of Rights and, of course, Apple Pie. This Government to tell me that I cannot repair and fix up my own home because it is not in their plans for the future of this area is ridiculous. The Liberal Democrats want to control every aspect of our lives and the Democratic Howard County does not like a veteran standing up for his property rights so they found a way to use an illegal alien 22 years of age to convict me of child abuse. They were afraid I would use my guns to protect my home. Do you know that a prosecutor can withhold evidence of your innocence and a Judge can knowingly let them do it and laugh in your face? Because under Federal Law they are 100% immune from criminal and civil penalties. They can even tell police officers to commit perjury as they did in my case. Every word in my case was perjury and I can prove it by answers to request for admissions, depositions taken where the police confessed that the State’s Attorney had put him up to it and to their own handwritten police statements, These statements also proves she was not a minor. Something is terribly wrong when they take a veteran that honorably served his country and used an illegal alien to convict him of a crime and then make an illegal alien a citizen for doing it. Read my book at Every newspaper and new shows like Dateline and 60 Minutes Ron Smith WBAL radio 11, 2, 13 news most of the time won’t even acknowledge my letter or e-mail to them. When they did reply, they state it is no interest to them at this time. Every lawyer I have talked to quotes me a $100,000.00 plus to look into my case. My brother-in-law brought this illegal alien here and committed welfare and Section 8 housing fraud had a free lawyer. The illegal alien who committed over ten felonies got a lawyer from the biggest law firm in Howard County and was handed on a silver platter CITIZENSHIP for helping the State try to quiet an activist. If anyone would just look proof that 90% of testimony in court was perjured. Both the Judge and Prosecutors committed outrageous misconduct not only against the Constitution of the United States but also against their Code of Conduct when they became a lawyer. Tim McCrone promised me while he was running for office as State’s Attorney that he would look into my case and help me. What a lie! He has done everything he can to keep my illegal conviction standing. Judge Diane Leasure has done everything in her power to deny me my Constitutional rights. She has put in her name to move to the Court of Special Appeals and Tim McCrone is trying to become the new Judge in Howard Circuit Court. State’s Attorney Hynnes is sitting back on a fat pension from Howard County. Kate O’Donnell moved to the Attorney General’s Office, Linda Ostovitz was supposedly fired I heard as a scapegoat for getting me convicted. She is now in her own Legal Practice in the old Richard Kinlein Office which taught Former States Attorney Hynnes his tactics. Judge Fischer was promoted immediately to the Court of Special Appeals where he retired after a couple more years. He had supposedly done a RICHIE REVIEW at my trial on both the police file and Social Services file, which clearly showed that this woman was an illegal alien and not a minor. He is sitting back on a fat pension, Robert Bates, the Howard police officer is now a Howard County Sheriff after retiring from the Police Department. He withheld the evidence that she was twenty-two and an illegal alien. He withheld that she confused that she had made it up, he committed outrageous perjury, going as far as that I had confessed to him. In a Federal case against him a Social Worker by the name of Michael Marshal who refused to testify at my trial laid the ground work to prove everything that Officer Bates said at the disposition as well as at my trial was a lie. At the end of the deposition when Officer Bates was caught in many lies, stood up, put his hand on his gun and screamed at me not to blame him, but to blame the prosecutor who had told him to do it. Now for Todd Taylor former Howard County office of Law that represented Bates is now the Senior State’s Attorney for Howard County, which has put totally absurd statements that borders on perjury statements to the court. There are many others like Judge Kane, Judge Nissel, and many other past and present Judges that gave total absurd rulings in my case. Shouldn’t a defendant know the identity of his accuser? After I had prove with DNA and a box load of other information IE depositions, police records, school records, the Judge had the nerve to say, “I don’t care who she is, or how old she says she is unless you can get a birth certificate to prove her age your conviction stands. I submitted overwhelming evidence in the form of police statements, depositions, court transcripts and etc to show the court and the state had committed outrageous perjury and withheld evidence of my innocence. Do you know what the Judge said, “I don’t care if every word in Court was a lie and perjury, and I don’t care that they withheld evidence of my innocence IE she was twenty-two. At this time it is too late to bring it to the court, so your conviction stands”. Only a technicality can over turn your conviction now.

Even if I do get my conviction over turned, I will still have a criminal record. They can expunge State records, but not Federal records or Social Service records, or Court opinion records. In Congress I will fight that all pictures, fingerprints, DNA, court transcripts, police statements, legal journals, Federal and State records all be expunged and burnt. I feel sorry for the Duke Lacrosse players; they will be judged criminals for life. Another thing we must take away judges, prosecutors and witnesses for the State they are 100% criminal and civil immunity. We should also make prosecutors and Judges go to jail and pay restitution out of their own pockets when found guilty misconduct at trial and they lose their pension.

In Congress, I would fight to stop all pensions and medical insurance for Congressmen and Senators. Let them have a 401K like all the other Government employees. I would also take away the tens of millions of dollars of cost for security systems in their private homes. Our news media tells us how bad all these dictators and even the President of Russia is to their people. Why don’t their people assassinate their leaders like we do? If a Congressman, Senator, or Governor etc. was actually For the People, By the People than why do they fear the people and why does the people dislike them? Half the people, which there are thousands of them, I have interviewed tell me that they are not registered to vote. I would change voting to make it a requirement and let you vote over a one week period twenty-four hours a day, only if you are a U. S. Citizen you could vote.

I would love to do away with the whole entire tax system we have now in America. The rich don’t care what their percentage goes up or down to. They don’t pay taxes anyway. Our corporations have moved their headquarters overseas to get out of taxation. The drug dealers and the illegal’s do not pay taxes also. My tax plan would take the burden off the working class. Similar to Europe. Taxes would be on what you buy new or used. There would be limits set on city, county and state sales tax rates. I would limit property tax for five years for existing homeowners and they would own their home. I would make a sliding scale for state and federal sales tax if you buy something modestly price. The tax could be as low as 20-25%, but if you buy that million-dollar home you could be paying as much as 75% sales tax. The rich would pay their fair share with their million dollar homes and Roll Royces. There would be a flat 5% tax anytime anything was sold or transferred new or used to pay Social Security and Medicare. This would start bringing back our Constitution, our property rights and fair taxation.

As a Christian and a supposed Christian country we need National Health Care. Medical Insurance Companies do not want to pay for high cost medical treatment, but they are making billions of dollars off the premiums we pay. I would issue every U. S Citizen a medical card that would have to be accepted by every doctor, hospital, dentist and eye care place. This would not put any doctors or hospitals out of business, but it would restrict their profits. The medical card would also be good for prescriptions. We give billions of dollars to develop drugs out of our tax money. These drug companies with taxpayers money develops the drugs and sell them for huge profits

God is our God, not green money.

The Liberal Democrats keep banning guns city after city, what happens crime skyrockets. In Republican controlled states where they have allowed the second amendment to flourish and for people to carry guns without a lot of restrictions crime has dropped drastically and mass chaos has not materialized. There is no Wild Wild West as the Democratic have predicted.

I totally believe in school vouchers. In Europe it has improved education ten fold. Schools who do not perform should not be paid for by taxpayers. In Viet Nam they still practice what America did in the 50's. If the teacher did not spank you, being a bad child, the neighbors do, then you got a spanking when you got home too. Most sixth grade children in Viet Nam can make 1000 on the SAT’s. I am a strong believer in discipline but there are many forms of discipline, each child is different and each parent is different. The State should stay out of parenting unless there are broken bones, or black eyes. To smack your child’s hand in the store for shoplifting should not be an arrest able offense.

I remember Maryland on a Referendum, 30 some years ago, got the Lottery saying that all proceeds would go to rebuilding our schools. What a lie! I would bring the troops home from every country of the world and reopen the bases here and hire Americans to support our troops here. A billion dollars a day to spread Capitalism around the world is not worth the lives of our young men. Just look what a billion dollars a day would do for our roads and inter structural in DC and Baltimore, and how we could finally rebuild our schools up to code in our inter cities and our rural America. We need no more than ten children per classroom until our children can actually read and write and know what two and two is without a calculator. I think we should do away with the “no child left behind” as it exists. Some children are born geniuses and some less fortunate. We should have special schools to help the disciplinary problem children and/or the children that don’t have as much ability to learn as others. With the law of “no child left behind”, we are forcing schools and classrooms to dumb down their curriculum so that slower students won’t be left behind while we hurt the brighter achievers. We also need to bring back competition in our school . Our children need to win and lose to help them in life. How will they learn what they are strong in and what they need work in.

As for our Government using taxpayer’s money to finance high profit corporations is ridiculous. No more stadiums, no more big tax breaks for corporations moving to your town. We have to go back to the Constitution that clearly states “For the People, By the People and We the People”. Because our Government forgot this, there is no small print that says our Government is for money, by money, money only and the hell with the people. God and our Constitution need to come back to America.

I would also impose a quickly progressing gasoline and diesel tax. Not to build roads, but to put a monorail rail between Boston and Miami, New York and L. A just like Walt Disney World has all electric. I would bring back all the street cars to aid in the metropolitan areas. People don’t realize that our cars are in no way close to being pollution free. I have been a heavy smoker for almost fifty years, and that is less cancer causing pollution then driving your new car 1 hour. An airplane taking off puts out in half-an-hour more pollution then 100,000 cars do in the same time. By bringing back street cars, raising the gas tax and causing massive traffic congestion it would bring back communities because the communities would be waiting for the street cars and learning their neighbor names. When neighbors know each other criminals cannot commit crimes and criminals will soon be ousted from the community because of the good old gossip.

I am also against the State legislation our health and well-being. Example, helmets for motorcycle drivers. Helmets do save lives, but they also cause accidents because it limits the motorcycle driver’s ability to look and react I am also against car seats as the Government’s plan to breakup bonding between the mother, father and an infant. Car seats do save lives but when most mother’s work mothers and fathers do not have time to hold their babies and bond with their infants. They get them out of their crib, they shove some food down their mouth, they lock them in the back seat where they dump them at a baby sitter for all day. In the evening they pick them up and lock them in the back seat again, shove some more food in their mouth when they get home and puts them to sleep. The child never gets the feeling of protection, warmth or love that a mother’s or father’s arms can give. All these regulations that the Government keeps passing to protect us or our children is slowly eroding the bonds of families. I am also against our governments telling us smokers we have no rights. If a restaurant wants to put up a sign smokers only let them. Or put up a sign no smoking that’s ok. Smoking is still legal?????????????

I would make it Federal Law that every single item sold in the United States would have clearly stamped right on it from the manufacturer the manufacturer’s suggested price. This would keep stores honest in calling themselves discount stores and you can actually compare prices and markdowns. This would greatly help the consumers.

Again what part of illegal doesn’t the American Public not understand? If the President’s daughter can get arrested for having a fake driver’s license so she can drink, just think about this????????? Illegals have fake identity for driver’s licenses, Social Security numbers, and immigration papers and are all felonies and we are going to give them immunity and citizenship. Illegals should not be allowed any constitutional rights or a free lawyer. Anybody that assists them like, schooling, documents, housing, health care, etc. should be heavily fined. If they can’t work, they have no place to live, no school for their children, and no health care we will not have to worry about supporting them, they will leave on their own. Everything in America should be in English only, and English should be a national language. The ACLU has gone to far in their totally absorbed court cases in protecting the one while hurting the majority. Our courts are just as absorbed as ruling for the one. We should protect the one in every way, shape and form without taking the rights or hurting the majority. It is better to hurt the one then to take the rights of all the rest of us away.

Special interest creates problems. Every time we put in an amendment to our Constitution or our laws to protect one class of people we anger the other classes. There is an old saying, “in war and in conflict”. “divide and conquer”. The rich and powerful is well aware of this. The more they divide us, the more they can conquer us financially and take away our freedoms. This has gotten so ridiculous that a life style is now protected, i.e. the homosexual community. As our Constitution says, All Men Are Created Equal.” We need to go back to that concept. No matter what religion or ethnic background or sexual orientation all people should be treated equal, have a decent education and decent health care. I am a Christian as I have stated, therefore I am against the act of homosexuality. But As God said, “Hate the sin, not the sinner”.

In a Democratic Society and with a country full of immigrants from every country and corner of the world, even as a Christian we have to let people do as they please as long as it does not interfere with our people’s rights. As I said before we are fighting radical Muslims and we cannot let radical Christians change our life styles. I am part of the few, the proud and almost extinct person in America. I have been married to one woman thirty-eight years, I have raised three beautiful college educated Christian children. To only being married one-time and still married and having my children grow up in a two parent home. We must bring back God that has two main commandments. These are not only Christian commandments but almost every religion has these same main commandments.

1. Love and honor God.

2. As Jesus put it, love thy neighbor as you would yourself or treat your neighbor like you would want to be treated.

I have been a fighter for Human Rights since 1971 when our Government and our military refused to let me marry my wife and bring her to America from Viet Nam. I started an uprising in the military and at the end had over half a million GI’s standing up with me. Until, we got the Congressional Laws changed. I hate this role as a fighter, but I think God put me here to standup for people and our Human Rights. I have constantly fought the County, State and Federal government for my own rights. I have convinced many people to standup for their rights also. Since 2002, when I started running for the County Council, I have helped hundreds of people by telling them how they can standup for their own rights. We got a Community Association many years ago and this organization started to be run by busy bodies that wanted to tell the rest of us how our house should look, our yards, and how we should live. The busy bodies are still there, but I have quieted them by stopping them. They were trying to run people out of the community just because their house was in shambles. As I told the people that they had been bothering that it was easy to close the Community Association and do away with their by-laws. Most Community Associations usually have three to four members. If you can get more members than they have you can vote them out and then you can vote to close the Community Association

HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! If you think one man can change our Government you will have a big disappointment. There are over 600 Senators and Congressman. I will be a hell raiser and a SOB. I will fight and fight and never shut up until my last breath to change America for the better. Please vote for me, don’t be an idiot. National polls show that a very high percentage of American’s distrusts and do not like their elected officials. Why do you keep reelecting them? The old politician saying that they want change is a lie. How many years in office have they had to fight for it already? You do not know if I am corrupt and a liar, but you will not know unless you elect me. Stop complaining. Elect an outsider and an SOB to congress; I will fight for our Constitution and Bill of Rights and family values. I will probably be the first one in congress to be sanctioned before I am sworn in, because I will run my mouth and not keep secrets.

Thank you.

Ray Bly For Congress! Vote For Me!