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The Twin River Watchtowers
Verbobonc began as a gnomish settlement along the banks of the Velverdyva River. It originally espoused a fort of earth and wood which was manned to protect the region from occasional forays by verbeeg from the Kron Hills. The fort was named Verboek and is still a feature of the town today. The community grew steadily as the climate was good and the land was perfect for the agricultural needs of the gnomes.  Over the years, Verbobonc has come to display the best efforts of man and gnome. The architecture of the town has distinct gnomish origins, based on the designs of master architect Snirthiglin, who drafted the first plans for Verbobonc.  Much of the town’s defense has been handled by the human half since the early Suel invasion.
    Verbobonc rests on a plain overlooking the Velverdyva River to the north. This waterway is heavily traveled by traders bound for Dyvers and the other merchant capitals of the Nyr Dyv. Within the Viscounty, watch towers have been established along the river banks to discourage piracy. Heavy patrols along the major roads, such as the Low Road leading to Dyvers, discourages banditry and humanoid activity, but at a cost. The Viscount charges a toll for travel on these highways to pay for their maintenance and safety.
    In the southern region of the Viscounty are the Kron Hills, which form a natural border between Verbobonc and the lands of Queen Yolande, Fey Majesty of Celene. The hills are rich in copper ore and mineral wealth, and the wealthiest of Verbobonc's aristocracy sponsor mines in these highlands.  The grasslands and meadows, fed by clear river water and seasonal rains, are rich and fruitful. Many farms are founded beyond the town walls which enjoy the protection of Verbobonc. The foothills to the south are better suited to
The Pah sisters of the Waking Bakery
A haywagon in the southern foothills
grazing, and many raise sheep and some small amounts of cattle. The lands to the west are lightly wooded, growing dense in the small Relgwood, which lies on the border of Veluna and Verbobonc.
   There is not a soul in the Flanaess that does not know the story of the Temple of Elemental Evil and the Battle of Emridy Meadows. It shall not be dwelt on here except to say that the day was proclaimed a holiday by the Viscount and is still celebrated with a night time festival. Subsequent rumors about the temple and its cult
continue to arise, and perhaps the place has found more life in its destruction then it could have found otherwise. Adventurers still come to Verbobonc with the season as a stop before journeying on to the temple to witness it for themselves. Few find anything of interest, satisfied to return with stories about what they have seen. Despite this, in 578 CY, Viscount Wilfrick, who had been a hero at the Battle of Emridy Meadows, commissioned the construction of a castle in the nearby village of Hommlet, which lies only a few short miles from the site of the ruined temple.
The esteemed Adventurers' Guild
Inside the Trithereon Temple
    As an independent city, devoted to individuality and freedom, Verbobonc is teeming with religious diversity. Most non-evil deities are worshipped openly in the city, many being represented by established churches, temples or shrines. Further, rumors sometimes speak of secretive cults practicing all manner of foul deeds, although most agree they are just that, rumors. The folk of Verbobonc are an independent lot, worshipping a variety of Gods.
Of the cities many churches, those of Trithereon, Rao and St. Cuthbert are the most prominent, and religion is very much a part of life in the Viscounty.       The main faith in Verbobonc is that of Trithereon, and He has been declared the official patron of the city. His temple dominates the Civic Center, and much of the religious life of the city revolves around it.  The Temple of Trithereon occupies a special place in the religious life of the city. There is a particular mystique surrounding its origins, and it has come to symbolize the
Temple of St. Cuthbert in the High Quarter
The artwork inside the Trithereon Temple
 independence of the city. Great gnome, elven, and human architects, several mages, and the priesthood of Trithereon all had a hand in itsconstruction, the like of which has made it one of the true wonders of the Flanaess.   Pilgrims from across the Flanaess flock to Verbobonc just to see it, and none have ever left disappointed.
    The Viscounty is in a precarious situation, politically, as of 585 CY. Most of its leaders, including Viscount Wilfrick and the Lord Mayor Tymak, are elderly. They rose to power in the embers of the Temple of Elemental Evil and have held the Viscounty on a road of caution, cautious to the point of stagnation many believe.  Truth be told, Viscount Wilfrick is only a fraction of his former self. Once a hero of Emridy Meadows, he has become indecisive and feebleminded in his age.
   There is a dark shadow that looms over all the Viscounty. Over the years the people of Verbobonc have been at the forefront of a
continual war against evil. The Temple of Elemental Evil - now presumed abandoned after the Viscount's forces and other strong and good hearted people rallied to destroy that fell place at the Battle of Emridy Meadows - is a constant reminder to the folk hereabouts that they must continually guard against the outsider. It is not that they are paranoid - but they are cautious, a trait inherent in most of their leaders. They are a fearful lot, given over to industry and true social and economical advancement.
Local merchants of Verbobonc
Plentiful game roam outside the city
Beleg Dorath, the blacksmith
A shepherd of the countryside
The Bridgewalk Tavern and Inn
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Entering Hommlet from the south
   Once this area was simply a wilderness. Growing out of a small collection of farmhouses and a roadside shelter that had sprung since the end of the Hateful Wars, Hommlet expanded quickly.  Prosperity came naturally to the fertile land, as herders, farmers, hunters, trappers, and woodcutters made the growing hamlet their home.  The town was built at the crossroads between Verbobonc, Celene, the Kron gnomish communties, and the Gnarley Forest, so visitors were frequent.  Eventually, some of these visitors brought trouble.
   Bridgands and other evil humanoids have been a bane to Hommlet for years.  Eventually, thieves, cutthroats, orc and even more sinister forces created a settlement of the own to the east--Nulb. That hamlet was frequented not only by the most evil of people, but also by monsters and beasts as well.  A chapel dedicated to vice and damnation grew nearby, with increasinlgy vile creatures coming to workship foul deities there.  In time, this chapel became the Temple of Elemental Evil, filled with dark preiests and their wicked servants.
The Inn of the Welcome Wench
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