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Cinderella's Homepage (lol)

Heya!Alright,this is my page lol as if you hadn't guessed.I'm assuming that I should put stuff on here about me and I guess I will.*sigh* Though why you want to know about me is wierd.Are you stalking me or something?!?!?! LOL. Just playing. And if you are then you must be really really bored,so yeah. Lol. I seem to be getting away from the topic.Oh well,won't hurt anything so nah.Pic above compliments of the school photographer lol.I actually think that it is a decent picture of me.
Info on me...
Name:Cynthia (Cyndi)
Height:5'1 lol
Eye color=Blue
Hair color=Light brown/blonde(changes,can be dark)
Weight:Do you really need to know? lol
Birthday:June 5,1987
Oddities:I have two different colored eyebrows and eyelashes,one side is blonde,the other is brown
Pics of Riley and Gizmo,my cats...
Hm.Let's see.I really love to be involved in sports.I love to play softball and throw for Track & Field.I throw discus and shotput though this season I am mainly concentrating on discus.I have played football and have wrestled and since it will be my senior year this fall I am thinking of doing so again.Why not?It's all fun.I really like taking photographs in black and white.I love the whole process of setting up the right angles to get the best shot possible.I also love the way it is calming to do it.I love all animals including all of the creepy crawlies and insects.I like to go running with my dog and I am hoping to take him to the park sometime soon.He's my baby along with my 2 cats.They are my pride and joy lol.I also love to just hang out with my friends and stare at the moon and stars at night.I love to go horseback riding with my friend Christina.I also get kicks out of just driving to nowhere in particular though nobody knows that I do that lol...well,now you all do.That's why I have to refill the tank in my car often.I like being able to get online and chat with my friends and to get phone calls from them.
Haha.As if I have any...just kidding.I have some lol though I won't be putting them all on here at the moment.Naomi is a good friend of mine. Her birthday is coming up in August. I'm trying to figure out what to get her. She's a realy fun person to hang out with. I used to play softball with her,but now I am too old. Lol. Oh well. Love to go to her house and hang out,playing pool and such. Next in line is Carrie.She's 15 and a great friend.I've known her since she was a wee little child.Her brother and mine both wrestled so as the little tag alongs that we were we wrestled too.All of my friends are like my sisters so it's all good.She has some steer at her house now and they are so darn cute.I took some pics of them in black and white and most likely will scan them and put them up on here too.They are so loveable.They just want to be petted and have all the attention.No,we do not go around tipping them even though we are hicks.So nah.I've got other friends that need to be mentioned.First is Brandy.She's a good friend of mine though we are both so busy that we hardly ever get to talk anymore.Thank goodness for emails lol.Stephanie moved away a while ago but we still keep in touch.I can't wait to see her son.I've been dieing to get over there and get some pics but have never gotten a chance due to my busy schedule.I've known her for a long time.Ashley is a good friend also.We've played ball together for a long time.I miss being on the same team as her.She stopped playing a while ago and I don't blame her really.We both have bad knees but it's all good.I love all my friends to death.I know that I have neglected to put in a few friends but at the moment I don't feel like adding anymore.Later on I will though.

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