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 Out Of Character: Please remember this is a fan site only. This site is to so my admiration for one of Disney's Animated cartoons. So you also know that Might Ducks the Animated Series and all characters and all concepts within are copyrighted 1995, the Walt Disney Company.

  It also is a tribute to Duke L'Orange and it explores his gang.

A little Role Playing please don’t chouse any of the quoted blue text if you don’t want to play along  

In Character (IC):

You walk over to this door in what looked like a pile of wood. As you walk in the door closes behind you   suddenly. You see a slide in front of you but you cannot see the bottom of this "grownup" sizes slide. You decide to go down. The slide Stops you in front of a door with a panel by it. You get a little scared when the room starts to fill with smock. Two drakes’ amperes and lead you throw a small corridor, to a door. They nock*nock nock...nock nock* a voce sounds from the other side orders, "enter."  You and your escorts enter, and then the one that was holing your arm lets go and smirks evilly.

  Someone aperies for within the shadows and says, "Welcome Trespasser. I hope these two did not rough you up to much, yet its gust a precaution. You see we do not want you to know where, exactly, you are at yet."  She stops and kicks a chair that slides and stops in front of you. "Have a set. I'm Second in command there... " She poses as if to wait for a response but you stay silent good   thinking " You are here because you voiced an interest to gone this lovely group. You must understand the being a member is a lifetime commitment. You have to be ready to lay your life down for the benefit of the group, Falling to do so ends up in punishment. You will under go many secret vows.

" I do not mean to scare you off.  If you decide to continue you life will change. Life as a warrior and thief   especially in this group is going to be hard and challenging, yet it may at times rewording. All get freedom and it difficult but some get power.

I just have one question now. Are you in?"

You say "I'm in"

You say, "No thanks. I changed my mind."

Out of character (OOC):

Here are some other things you might like of mine. Ok I know this has nothing to deal with Might Ducks but I wanted to do it anyway my Bishoen I caught. FWEE!! page, And my Dungeon and Dragons page. Thanks for coming enjoy.