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Sample Interview Questions


- What is your favorite color?
- What is your favorite food?
- What is your favorite TV show or toy?
- What is your favorite book?
- What chores do you help mommy with?
- Why do you want to be state queen?
- Do you have any brothers or sisters? What are their names?
- Do you have a best friends?
- Who is your favorite actor or actress?
- What is your favorite movie?
- If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
- What do you like to do with your family?
- If you could have one wish, what would you wish for?
- How old are you?
- What is your name?
- What is your favorite cookie?
- Do you have any pets? What are their names?
- What can you tell me about yourself?
- What do you like to do?
- What's your favorite part of school?
- What do you want to be when you grow up?
- Who is the nicest person you know, and what nice things have they done for you?
- Where is your favorite place to go?
- Tell me about something that makes you happy.
- What is your favorite song? Can you sing a little bit of it for me?
- What do you do for fun?
- What is your favorite game?
- Who is your favorite person?
- Tell me about your best friend.
- If you can have one wish, what would it be?
- What fun things do you like to do with your friends?
- What is your favorite thing to eat?
- Tell me about your favorite toy.
- What do you like to do for fun with your brothers and sisters?
- Do you like to read? What is your favorite bedtime story?
- Who is the nicest person you know, and what nice things have they done for you?
- What is your favorite zoo animal?
- What do you like the most about your grandparents?
- Where do you want to go after the pageant?
- Who is your favorite person on TV?
- How many people are in your family? What do you like to do with them?
- Do you like cartoons? If you can be any character on your favorite cartoon who would it be?
- If you were a superhero, what would be your super power?
- Do you like to draw? What is your favorite thing to draw?
- Do you have any pets or animal friends? What do you like best about them?
- How do you feel when your Mommy or Daddy makes you drink milk and eat vegetables?
- What is your favorite type of fruit? How about your favorite candy?
- Which is one is yummier healthy food or junk food?
- Who is your favorite Disney princess?
- What is your favorite shape? Why do you like it?
- What is your favorite smell? Least favorite?
- Which letter of the alphabet is your favorite? Why?
- What do you like to do by yourself?
- What do you want to do tomorrow?
- Which color in the rainbow is your favorite?
- When is your favorite time to look up at the sky?
- Who is your favorite person to hug? Why?
- What is the best thing you did yesterday?

Sweetheart & Pre Teen

- Why do you want to be Queen of your State?
- Why would you make a good Queen?
- What is your favorite subject in school?
- Do you have a favorite teacher?
- What do you enjoy doing most with your family?
- What do you like most about your best friend?
- What will you do if you don't win?
- Why would I want to visit your city? (for nationals expect " visit your state")
- If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be and why?
- Who is your best friend and why?
- What do you want to be when you grow up?
- What color best describes you?
- Tell me about your family.
- What's been your favorite vacation/trip and why?
- Who is your favorite actor or actress?
- Who do you most admire? What do you like most about them?
- Be prepared for them to ask you questions off of your interview sheet you filled out and handed in at check-in.
- What would you like to do when you grow up?
- What do you look for in a friend?
- What three words best describe you?
- What is your best quality?
- If you could have one wish, what would you wish for?
- What is the best present you ever received? Ever gave?
- What three things would you take to the moon? And Why?
- If had a pen-pal in your state what part of the state would they be in?
- How would your friend describe you?
- Whats your most prized possetion?
- If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
- What is your favorite book? Why?
- Who do you look up to the most?
- What is your favorite food?
- What do you like best about your teacher?
- Who is your favorite person? Why?
- If you could be the principal of your school, what would you change and why?
- How do your favorite teachers inspire you to learn more?
- How can teachers help students excel in the classroom?
- What is your favorite after school activity?
- Who is your favorite author?
- What color in the rainbow best describes your personality?
- If you can meet any person, living or deceased, who would it be and why?
- How do you make a difference in your community?
- If you can be any age, what would it be and why?
- Tell me three things you want to accomplish before graduating high school.
- Tell me about your family.
- Tell me about yourself.
-Who are your role models? What outstanding qualities do they possess, and do you possess these qualities?
- What do you want to accomplish before turning sixteen?
- What makes you proud to be an American?
- Define friendship.
- Who do you trust the most? Why?
- Tell me about the biggest mistake you ever made.
- If you can travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
- What is the most exciting thing that has ever happened to you?
- What do you like most about your school?
- Describe a typical after-school afternoon.
- Who do you talk to when you have a problem?
- What one thing would you like to change about yourself and why?
- What do you like to do for fun with your brothers and sisters?
- Do you like to read? What is your favorite bedtime story?
- Who is the nicest person you know, and what nice things have they done for you?
- What is your favorite zoo animal?
- What do you like the most about your grandparents?
- Where do you want to go after the pageant?
- Who is your favorite person on TV?
- How many people are in your family? What do you like to do with them?
- Do you like cartoons? If you can be any character on your favorite cartoon who would it be?
- If you were a superhero, what would be your super power?
- Do you like to draw? What is your favorite thing to draw?
- Do you have any pets or animal friends? What do you like best about them?
- How do you feel when your Mommy or Daddy makes you drink milk and eat vegetables?
- What is your favorite type of fruit? How about your favorite candy?
- Which is one is yummier healthy food or junk food?
- Who is your favorite Disney princess?
- What is your favorite shape? Why do you like it?
- What is your favorite smell? Least favorite?
- Which letter of the alphabet is your favorite? Why?
- What do you like to do by yourself?
- What do you want to do tomorrow?
- Which color in the rainbow is your favorite?
- When is your favorite time to look up at the sky?
- Who is your favorite person to hug? Why?
- What is the best thing you did yesterday?
- What do you like most about the pageant so far?
- What makes you proud to be an American?
- What is there to do in your hometown?
- Define friendship.
- Who do you trust the most? Why?
- Tell me about the biggest mistake you ever made.
- If you can travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
- What are three things that scare you the most in life?
- Which famous person in the media today is the best role model for girls your age?
- How do you spend your free time outside of school?
- What is your favorite thing to do on the weekends?
- How do you feel about homework?
- Describe a character from your favorite book. Are you like this character? What do you like about them?
- What is the first thing you would say to president if he walked through the door right now?
- Tell me about your favorite word and why you like it.
- What is the most difficult change that has effected your life so far?
- Describe a tradition that is unique to your family.
- What is more valuable to you having intelligence or having character?
- What is your favorite thing to do at home?
- Do you have any chores at home? How do you feel about kids helping around the house?
- Do you love your siblings? When was the last time you told them "I love you?"
- If you can be anyone for one day, who would it be and why?
- What is your favorite type of music? What does it say about you?
- Compare yourself to your favorite musical artist.
- What do you do that is creative in your spare time?
- Where do you want to go to college? How will you get there?
- Name three steps that will get you closer to your future career.
- How do you feel about the community you live in?
- You have just been named class president, what changes do you want to see happen? How will you make it happen?
- Kids always complain about school lunches, how do you feel about yours? What is good? What is bad? How should it change?
- How do you react to bullies?
- Which media figure in your age group do you most admire?
- What makes you most excited about being in the pageant?
- What is the most valuable skill you have gained in this pageant so far?
- Is scholastic achievement or possessing a strong sense of character more important?
- Why did you enter this competition?
- If you can have any special talent that you do not have now, what would you want?
- Which is scarier, talking to a group of adults or a group of your peers?
- How do you feel right now?
- What is the first thing you are going to do when you see your family after this interview?
- What is your favorite book? Tell me about your favorite character.
- Which TV Network is your favorite?
- Tell me about an interesting assignment you had in school. What did you learn?
- How do you get back on your feet after being let down?
- When are you the most happy?
- Tell me about 3 of your greatest blessings.
- What is there to do in your hometown?
- What do you see as the difference between confidence and conceit?
- Other than this pageant, what is the greatest challenge in your life?
- Tell me something that will make me remember you. Tell me something else.
- If you could be any age, what age would you be? Why?
- What talent would you most like to have? Why?
- What do you take for granted? Why?
- Where (To whom) do you go for guidance? Why?
- If you knew you had to spend the next fifty years on an island with one other person, with whom would you like to spend it?


- Who is your role model and why?
- What qualities do you feel a good role model should possess?
- What do you feel is the most challenging issue facing teenagers today?
- Why do you want to be the queen of your state?
- Why did you enter this pageant?
- What did you do to prepare for this pageant?
- What are your future plans?
- Describe a typical after-school afternoon.
- Who do you talk to when you have a problem?
- What one thing would you like to change about yourself and why?
- What do you like most about the pageant so far?
- What is the best advice you have ever been given?
- What are your plans for education after you complete high school?
- What are three words that describe you best?
- What is your favorite color and how do you feel when you wear it?
- What are some things you did to prepare for this pageant?
- If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
- Do you have a favorite sport?
- What can people do to help the homeless?
- If you could meet anyone in the world (living or not) who would it be any what would you say to them?
- What is your most prized possession?
- Who is your favorite actor or actress?
- Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
- What can we do to stop gang violence?
- How would you try to improve racial relations among people?
- If you could live anyone else's life, who would it be and why?
- If you were elected President of the United States what would be the first thing you would do?
- If you had only one wish, what would it be and why?
- If your pageant title was threatened because you had gained weight, how would you feel and what would you do?
- If you could give $50,0000 to any charity in the world, which one would it be and why?
- If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it?
- What does the word "loyal" mean to you?
- Who is your favorite person?
- If you could change thing about yourself, what would it be?
- If you had a chance to talk to the President, what would you talk about?
- What do you hope to accomplish in your year, if you were to win the state title?
- Who is your favorite President, and why?
- What freedom right do you agree with most?
- For the goals you are trying to achieve, who is helping you with them the most?
- If you had 60 minutes to talk on tv what would you talk about?
- If you could go back and start your life over again, what one thing would you do differently?
- What is your greatest strength?
- What is your greatest weakness?
- Who is your favorite person and what do you like most about them?
- If you were elected president, name the most important change you'd make to our nation.
- What has been the biggest disappointment in your life to date?
- What is your best quality?
- What is your worst quality?
- You can only pick one word. Which word best describes you: sexy, smart, beautiful or talented? And why?
- Other than you mother, who do you admire most and why?
- Do you feel more comfortable in small gatherings or large parties?
- If you won this title and your boyfriend was upset, which would you give up - the boyfriend or the title?
- Everybody worries about something. What do you worry about?
- What makes you angry?
- What makes you cry?
- What would you take to the moon and why?
- What would you say is the best thing about you and how do you know this?
- If you had a pen pal what part of the world would he or she live in?
- Who is your best friend and why?
- When you leave school, what do you want to be remembered for?
- What is the first quality that people notice about you, and why?
- If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
- If you could trade places with someone famous, who would you choose?
- What would you like to be when you grow up?
- If you could interview the President, what would you ask him?
- What one event has effected your life most?
- What is the best thing about your hometown?
- Describe yellow to a blind person?
- What is intergrity?
- What is the worse advice someone has given you?
- Describe true beauty?
- What qualities do you feel a title holder should possess?
- What message do you have that you would like to share with the world?
- What makes you Unique?
- What do you feel is the most important part of competition?
- What special quality could you bring to the title you are competing for tonight?
- Do you think that you are pretty, and why?
- What do you hope for the world in the next ten years?
- What does the word "CAN'T" mean to you?
- If you win tonight, how will you use you title to benefit others?
- What is the most important lesson a person should learn in life?
- Describe how you would like to be remembered in the pageant realm?
- Define "winner"?
- What qualities do you look for in a friend?
- What is one quality you feel you could pass on to someone else, while you are young?
- If you had one message to the world what would it be?
- What do you feel you could learn, from the elderly?
- Who is more important to you, your family or your boyfriend?
- Do you feel that winning a pageant is the most important part of the competition?
- When you look in the mirror what do you see?
- If you were to win, what would be the first thing you would say if someone shoved a mike in your hand?
- What is one thing that you have hidden from your family?
- What makes you blush?
- What are the positive things that you see about yourself that you would like everyone to know?
- What does friendship mean to you?
- For the goals you are trying to achieve, who is helping you with them the most?
- Why are you competing in this pageant?
- In your family who is the person you can go too to talk about anything and why can you always talk to this person?
- If you caught another contestant violating a pageant rule or regulation, how would you react?
- Which contestant, other than yourself, should win this pageant?
- What would you do with a red crayon?
- What food best describes your personality?
- You can be a superhero for one day! What is your superhero name and what is your power?
- Substance abuse is huge problem among teens, how do you stay drug free? What solutions do you propose to solve this problem?
- Which TV Program best describes your life?
- What is your favorite charity and how do you help their cause?
- What would winning this contest mean to you?
- If you could be any person in history who would it be and why?
- What woman do you most admire and why?
- Who, outside of your family, has most influenced your life so far?
- What do you think you will be doing approximately ten years from now?
- What era would you most like to live in and why?
- If you could be on "Fantasy Island," what would be your fantasy and why?
- If you were given $1,000,000 and had to spend it on yourself, what would you do with it?
- What is the biggest mistake you have ever made?
- What in the last year has given you the most pleasure?
- What is your definition of beauty?
- How do you handle peer pressure?
- As a child what was your favorite game and why?
- Define a "lady"?
- What is a pageant?
- Do you believe there is a generation gap?
- What makes your city special?
- What is your biggest fantasy?
- What motivates you and why?
- What is the greatest challenge facing young women today?
- Compare yourself to your favorite dessert/color/fictional character.
- Tell me a story about your family.
- What is your most embarassing moment?
- How do you feel about women being drafted?
- Define feminism.
- Who do you think will be the first woman to become president? Why?
- As a student in college or college bound, do you think it is fair to use affirmative action?
- How do you respond to people who think pageants are outdated, superficial, and degrading to women?
- What have you done to make a difference in someone's life in the past three days?
- Tell me about the most important decision you have had to make.
- How do you overcome adversity?
- What three qualities constitute a great leader?
- Tell me a joke.
- What food best describes your personality?
- Substance abuse is huge problem among teens, how do you stay drug free? What solutions do you propose to solve this problem?
- When was the last time you kissed your father?
- How do you deal with inate people?
- Who raised you?
- As an American, what constitutional rights do you value most?
- Who do you think is the most influential person of the 20th Century?
- What are you most ashamed of?
- Many adult women have been able to balance a career with the demands of motherhood, but if you must choose between being a employer or a mother in the future, which do you choose?
- How would you react if you saw yourself misrepresented on a supermarket tabloid?
- Describe the ideal woman, and tell me what she has in common with you.
- Do you consider yourself to be a girl, a woman, or both?
- What confuses you?
- How do you feel about standardized tests?
- Do you prefer sweet, spicy, salty, or sour foods? What does this tell people about you?
- Compare yourself to your favorite food.
- What do you think about this pageant?
- Which competition is your strongest point? Weakest?
- When do you feel the most like yourself?
- What is the name of the contestant that stands in front/behind you in the line up? How do you feel about her?
- What does our Pageant motto "Pride of the Present, Hope of the future" mean to you?
- Who do admire the most?
- What is your ambition?
- What do you feel contributes more to character development: success or failure?
- Tell me your biggest moment of utter humiliation.
- Which freedom do you value the most: life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness?
- When do you think these rights should be taken away from a person?
- Why do you think so few eighteen year olds vote?
- How will your extracurricular activities prepare you for your future career?
- If you had to spend the rest of your life eating one thing, what would it be?
- What is your biggest secret?
- How do you feel about pageants that rely more on "image" instead of "inner beauty"?
- What is something that you can tell me that no one knows about you?
- How do you feel about the increasing popularity of "Reality TV"?
- What is the oldest clothing article in your closet? Why is it still there?
- Tell me what you think the world will be like one hundred years from now.
- Give me your best imitation of your favorite cartoon character.
- Which TV show best describes your family?
- Which is more important, friendship or personal success?
- Is individuality an asset or liability?
- What is your anti-drug?
- What makes you a person of character?
- In general, which is more important to you, possessing emotional strength or being completely open?
- If you could change anything about your past or your family's past what would it be and why?
- What three things make you proud to be part of "Generation Y"?
- What makes you proud to be an American?
- Define friendship.
- Who do you trust the most? Why?
- Do you think you were happier as a child or today? Why?
- If you can be president for one day, what would you do? What will you say when you have to address the nation?
- If you could be on the cover of any magazine, which would you chose and why?
- What bothers you most about what is happening in your country today?
- Does pageant preparation help you to develop as a person? Why or why not?
- Tell me about two events that have influenced your life.
- Tell me about your volunteer work.
- Can a pageant contestant win on their first try? Why or why not?
- What makes you mad?
- What has been the biggest disappointment in your life?
- Who do you think is the greatest man in history? Why?
- What is your favorite type of food? Why?
- What is your favorite vacation destination? Why?
- How important is it to look your best at all times?
- What is the best advice your parents have given to you? Why?
- Are you a role model? Why or why not?
- Every few seconds another American becomes infected with HIV. What do you know about HIV and AIDS?
- Tell me about your generosity.
- Who is your favorite teacher? Why?
- What is your favorite sport? Why?
- Where (To whom) do you go for help? Why?
- What is the question you hoped would be asked today? Why?
- If you had to choose between your family and your career, which would you choose? Why?
- What has been the most difficult aspect of being in pageants for you? Why?
- What makes you least proud of your generation? Why?
- Tell me about two events that have influenced your life.
- What do you do after school (work)?
- What are the advantages of being from a small town (big city)?
- If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be? Why?
- What does freedom mean to you?
- Why are you proud to be an American?
- What kinds of music do you enjoy?
- What is the best way to reach kids in the fight against drugs?
- After this pageant is over, what will you remember most?
- What do you want? Why?
- What is your most marked characteristic? Why?
- Do you want to change? Why or why not?
- What do you think is the ideal family size?
- When and where were you happiest?
- What is your idea of perfect happiness?
- What is a typical day like for your family?
- What has been the biggest failure of your life?
- What is your opinion of your school principal (college president, teachers, etc.)?
- What issue would make you walk a picket line? Why?
- It is fun to...
- Do you consider yourself a woman or a girl?
- What is your secret to success?
- What sound do you not like to hear?
- Tell me about your indulgences.
- What is your motivation to work (go to school)?
- Tell me about something you would like to forget.
- If you could be on the cover of any magazine, which would you choose? Why?
- What is the solution to negative peer pressure?
- Tell me about your hobbies.
- What is the role and responsibility of a titleholder?
- Do you feel that more doors are opened for you or by you? Why?
- Tell me about your pets.
- Where have you traveled? When?
- Some people say, "It's a man's worlds." What do you say?
- If a teenager from a foreign county came to visit you where you live, where would you take them? What would you tell them about life as a teenager where you live?
- Are looks important? Why or why not?
- Tell me about some of your family's traditions.
- What do you like most about yourself? Why?
- What is your favorite season of the year? Why?
- As women become leaders, what special qualities do they bring to their jobs?
- What would you say is the real purpose of this pageant?
- When was the last time you cried? Why?
- What is the role of today's man?
- The ideal American woman is...
- Do you believe that everyone is a winner? Why or why not?
- Tell me about a time when you broke a rule or a law.
- Which magazines do you read?
- Who is your favorite family member? Why?
- I want to...
- Who will be (Who is) in the audience supporting you tonight?
- If you had to serve to the judges your favorite dessert, what would you serve?
- Which do you feel is more important: academics or athletics? Why?
- Where do you go to have fun?
- How do you feel about recycling?
- Are you a patient person? Why or why not?
- What would you say to keep peace between feuding friends?
- Can a broken family be fixed?
- Will you compete again if you do not win this time? Why or why not?
- What do you plan to do after this pageant today?
- If you could write your own caption in the yearbook, what would it say? Why?
- Are you a good leader? Why or why not?
- What is your greatest extravagance?
- What is your greatest regret?
- What is your favorite journey? Why?
- Which historical figure do you most identify with? Why?
- Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
- How do you define a champion? Are you a champion?
- Tell me about the last time you laughed hard.
- Tell me about your long-range goals.
- What is your favorite Disney movie? Why?
- What is your good luck charm?
- What is your greatest responsibility as a friend?
- What is your message to young men today?
- What person on television do you feel you relate to most? Why?
- If you knew there would be no tomorrow, how would you spend the rest of today?
- Do you think that the future is as bright for your generation as it was for your parents? Why or why not?
- Do you favor multicultural diversity or multicultural unity?
- What is the best advice you could give to your friend?
- Tell me about your favorite book.
- Do you make mistakes?
- How would you describe your ideal vacation?
- What is your favorite charity? Why?
- Who is going to win this pageant?
- Tell me about your last vacation.
- What makes a good leader?
- If you could add a course to your school's present curriculum, which one would you add? Why?
-What makes you special?
- What is your worst habit? Why?
- Don't pageants emphasize looks? Why or why not?
-Are you afraid of losing? Why or why not?
- What qualities should a teen role model possess? Why?
- What "cracks" you up? Why? - How do we get younger students to understand the importance of education?
- Do beauty pageants have any merit for the enlightened woman today?
- If you had one extra paid day-off each week to do volunteer work, where would you volunteer? Why?
- Do you consider yourself a woman or a girl? Why?
- What are the alternatives to underage drinking and smoking?
- How do you feel about mentoring programs?
- How can we encourage healthy living?
- What is your definition of a loser?
- Tell me about your funniest pageant experience.
- What is the nicest thing someone has ever said to you? Who said that?
- Do you believe in love at first sight?
- Tell me about peer pressure in your age group.
- The winner of this pageant is treated like a celebrity. Do you feel that you could handle a celebrity status? Why or why not?
- Who is your favorite actor? Why?
- You may have heard the slogan, "Life is Short. Play Hard." What is your personal slogan?
- Who makes you the happiest?
- If you could be any part of a car, which part would you choose to be? Why?
- What do you see as the difference in a woman and a lady?
- Tell me about your best and worst pageant experiences.
- Does it make a difference what you look like? Why or why not?
- Are you a traditional person or a modern person?
- If you could go back in time and live as a teenager, when and where would you go and live? Why?
- What feeling is most difficult for you to express? Why?
- What is it that you do that drives your parents crazy?
- How will pageant competition help you develop as a person?
- Do your comments and suggestions influence other people? Why or why not?
- If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one ability or quality, what would it be?
- What makes being Miss __________________ a big deal?
- What would you do if you noticed a self-destructive behavior pattern in a friend?
- Why is it that people who are more attractive tend to be more successful?
- What is your favorite color? Why? What comes to mind when you think about this color?
- What is your idea of perfect happiness? Why?
- If you could change one thing about someone in your family, who and what would it be? Why?
- Can you combine a career and a family? If so, how?
- How do you feel about public speaking?
- What do you want? Why?
- Tell me about your self-confidence.
- What is a typical morning like at your house?
- Do you believe in winning at any cost? Why or why not?
- From where did your parents get your name?
- How do we become a drug-free America?
- What do you feel is history's most useful (useless) invention?
- What do you think about Americans buying foreign products?
- What is your worst physical flaw? Why do you think that is the worst?
- If you were stranded on an island with only one book, which book would you like to have?
- What is your favorite Disney character?
- How would you react if you discovered that your new college roommate were the daughter (son) of a famous politician or entertainment artist?
- What is your favorite sound? Why?
- What one thing about women (girls) do you not understand?
- What word do you not like to hear?
-How do you go about making your plans?
- If you could give away one of your possessions to an underprivileged young woman (man), what would you give?
- If you become Miss. __________________, and you have a press conference in the morning, what question do you hope the reporters won't ask?
- If you were chosen Miss __________________ , what would be your ultimate sacrifice during your reign? Why?
- If you could take me to your house, what would you first want to show me? What would you not want me to see? Why?
- Are you a winner? Why or why not?
- Which female in history has influenced you the most? Why?
- If your President (your governor, your mayor, etc.) sought your consultation about changing their image, what would you suggest? Why?
- How would you define a family unit?
- If you could receive one gift, what would it be? Who would give it to you?
- If you had thirty minutes a day to do anything you wanted, what would you do? Why?
- Why will enthusiasm sell when nothing else will?
- How do you feel about English as the national language of the United States?
- If you found yourself in a situation where you were being discriminated against because of race, what would you do?
- What do you see as similarities between pageants and politics?
- If you were to have a son and/or daughter someday, what is the most important lesson you would want to teach them?
- Would you recommend this pageant to friends? Why or why not?
- How would you describe the people of your state (community)?
- How can teachers more effectively encourage their students to complete their education?
- Do you feel that students should be required to learn a foreign language? Why or why not?
- If it comes down to you and one other contestant for the title today (tonight), how will you react if she wins?
- What do you most value in your friends? Why?
- What would you recommend to motivate America's young people to excellence?
- Which trait do you most deplore in others?
- What is your family's country (countries) of origin?
- What is the greatest threat to our liberty? Why?
- How would you describe a perfect evening?
- What do you consider your greatest achievement? Why?
- What is your favorite bird? Why?
- What is the most impressive thing about you? Why?
- What is your weakest point? What are you doing about it?
- How would you go about describing your state (community) to a visitor?
- What would you say is the biggest problem facing our educational system today? Why?
- What are the qualities of the ideal man?
- What are your weaknesses?
- If you were to plan a meal for yourself and five of your closest friends, what would be on the menu?
- Where (To whom) do you go for guidance?
- What advice would you give to other teenage girls who are never satisfied with the way they look?
- How do you define a feminist?
- What is the difference between service and hospitality?
- Do you find it easy or difficult to say "no?"
- How can you motivate "at-risk" youth?
- What is your favorite pursuit? Why?
- If you were a news reporter and you could cover any news event that has happened in the past year (since your birth), which one would you choose to cover? Why? What would you say?
- What is your greatest obstacle? Why? How will you overcome that?
- Do you feel that the news media reports more news or gossip? Why?
- What do you dislike most about your appearance?
- Other than physical appearance, what do you like most about yourself? Why?
- What bothers you most about what is happening in schools today?
- What is the kindest thing anyone has ever done to you or for you? Who did that?
- It is okay to...
- If you were to create a new product for the consumer market, what would it be? What would you call it?
- It is fun to...
- Describe to me a stressful and unpleasant situation in your past and tell me how you dealt with it.
- If you had to choose to be beautiful or intelligent, which would you choose?
- If you have children, do you want then to experience the same childhood as yours?
- What is your favorite pageant question?
- What are the most important things going on in the world today?
- What one thing about men do you not understand?
- Tell me more about your workout.
- What is your secret?
- What do you take most pride in? Why?
- If you had to leave town tomorrow and be gone for six weeks (one year, ten years, etc.), what things are most critical to get done before leaving?
- What is something that has happened in your past that you wish had not happened? Why?
- If you won $50 million in the lottery and couldn't spend it on yourself or your family, how would you spend it?
- Can you get to used to being in pageants, or do you find each one to be new and exciting? Why?
- Is there anything you don't have an opinion about? If so, what? Why or why not?
- What talent would you most like to have?
- What female in history has influenced you the most? Why?
- What person on television do you feel you relate to most?
- What is the most important element in a relationship?
- Tell me about two famous entertainers from your state.
- What is the role of today's teachers?
- Describe your state flag.
- Some politicians suggest putting welfare children in orphanages. How do you feel about that?
- What makes you most proud of your state(community)? Why?
- What is the role and responsibility for you if you win the title of Miss/Mrs./Mr. ________________?
- How will pageant competition help you develop as a person?
- What advice could you give to someone about to enter pageants for the first time?
- Tell me about tourism in your state (community).
- What is your long-range plan?
- Why is it that people who are attractive tend to be more successful?
- What was the greatest discovery of the 20th Century?
- What is there to do in your hometown?
- Are you a public or private person? Why?
- What do you see as the difference between confidence and conceit?
- Other than this pageant, what is the greatest challenge in your life?
- Tell me something that will make me remember you. Tell me something else.
- If you could be any age, what age would you be? Why?
- What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? Why?
- What talent would you most like to have? Why?
- What do you take for granted? Why?
- Where (To whom) do you go for guidance? Why?
- If you knew you had to spend the next fifty years on an island with one other person, with whom would you like to spend it?
- What makes you more qualified than the other contestants to win this title?
- What can parents do to help their children get a better education? Why?
- What makes a happy family?
- What would you say to your sister if she asked you to be a surrogate mother for her?
- What is your favorite occupation? Why?
- Do you feel that the news media reports more news or gossip? Why?
- Do we live in a fantasy world? Why or why not?
- Should women in the armed forces be allowed to serve in combat? Why or why not?
- If you were given $25 to spend on one night of entertainment for yourself, how would you spend it?
- Tell me about your earliest childhood memory.
- Tell me a great story about your babysitting.
- Where would you pinpoint the cause for violence in youth today?
- Should our country's legal smoking age be raised, lowered or kept the same?
- How do you define integrity?
- Tell me about your day.
- What is your favorite song? Why?
- What is the role of today's religious leaders?
- What do you see as the difference in a woman and a lady?
- Tell me about your best and worst pageant experience.
- Tell me about your favorite things.
- What have you learned today?
- How would you describe the 90's (80's, 70's, 60's, etc.)?
- If you moved to a foreign country for one year, who would you miss the most? Why?
- When you see photographs of yourself, what is your reaction?
- What has been your biggest failure? Why didn't things turn out better?
- Are you coached for this pageant? Why or why not?
- What makes you most proud of your generation? Why?
- What is a typical day like at your workplace?
- What is the closest you have ever been to death?
- What is enthusiasm? Do you have it?
-If a friend told you they were having an affair, what advice would you offer to them?
- How can we encourage healthy living?
- What is your philosophy in life?
- Does pageant competition help you develop as a person? Why or why not?
- What do you want to be when you grow up? Why?
- If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one ability or quality, what would it be?
- What is your message to young people today?
- What are your weaknesses?
- What is your greatest obstacle? Why? How will you overcome that?
- What is your goal in life? Why?
- If you were a member of Congress and you had to decide between funding the space program or the information superhighway, which would you choose? Why?
- Who is your best friend? Why?
- If you could be famous, in what way would you choose?
- What would you say are the top news stories today? How do they affect you?
- Do you think that minor children should have the right to divorce their parents? Why or why not? If so, when?
- Do you feel that students should be required to learn a foreign language? Why or why not?
- On a scale from 1 to 10, how would you rank the importance of the grades that you make (made) in school? Why?
- What bothers you most about what is happening in this country today?
- What is your favorite kind of animal? Why?
- Who is your favorite president and why?
- What color best describes your outlook on life? Why?
- Do you feel that our President is confident, courageous or a criminal?
- Is there anything in this world worth fighting about? Is so, what?
- What is your favorite word?
- What is your favorite sound?
- With whom do you stay in contact outside of your hometown (your family)? Why?
- What is your weakest point? What are you doing about it?
- How do you define a person's progress?
- What is the most impressive thing about you?
- How do you respond to the criticism that young women are more materialistic and worried with their appearance than with their inner self?
- If you could give away one of your possessions to an underprivileged young woman (man), what would you give?
- Everyone has a mission in life. What do you think your mission is?
- What makes you an appropriate role model for teenagers in the United States (your community, your school, etc.)?
- Besides your family, who has influenced your thinking most? Why, and in what way(s)?
- Who do you consider to be the most influential woman in the world (the US, your state, your community, etc.)?
- Where do you go when you want to "get away?" Why do you go there?
- Of all the aspects of your life, which do you like most? Why?
- What will a dollar get you today?
- If you had one hour to spend with the President (your Governor, your mayor, etc.), what would you want to do or talk about? Why?
- How do you relax?
- Who is (contestant's name)?
- What have you done special to prepare for this pageant?
- If you could interview anyone in the world, whom would you choose to interview? Why? What would you talk to them about? Why?
- How would you describe your ideal wedding? If you could give any gift to your parents, what would you give to them? Why?
- What do you regret?
- What is the best advice you have ever been given? Why?
- If the President's daughter (son) invited you to the White House for a visit, what would you want to do with them while you were there? Why?
- How will pageant competition help you develop as a person?
- What kid of person turns you off? Why?
- What do you consider to be your greatest achievement?
- How do you feel about who you are?
