
Holy crappers, it's been a while! Okay, so I know officially hate angelfire. It just deleted most of the work I had done on the surveys. I was done, now I'm not even close, so I'll start working on them again. As for other site news, umm, not much, no shows (wf at least) on the horizion right now, though more are being worked on as we speak. We have pictures from Wed. with Mest and Sun. at the TLA, those will be up eventually. Ones of me should be up tonight after I get home from work, the rest will be up when erin gets a chance, cause she has the rest of them. And for general knowledge, if you're at a show in the future, buy the new CD's before the show starts, just for your own benefit. They did indeed sell out of cds on sunday, and though i doubt they'll do it again, you never know. Just thought I'd put the warning out there. Umm, yea, so I do have to get to work, so I'll post some more pictures up tonight (Probably around 11) and that's about it!


Hey everyone! I bet you thought I fell off the face of the earth, huh? Well, you'll be glad to know that I didn't. I've been shuffled around between houses a bit lately due to a problem with mold in my house, so i ahven't been able to get to a computer for long periods of time. Add that to the fact that I've been working most of the time, and I haven't been able to get anything up on the front page much. I have been working behind the scenes, however, and you'll be happy to know that the fan surveys are *almost* done. I'll let you know as soon as they are. I updated the shows page too. Updates my be scarce the next two weeks, but that's just because we're gonna be gone for much of the next couple of weeks. Instead, you can click on the little banner I made in at 1:00 am below and go download second string's songs! But yea, I'm leaving now to go to bed. Adios!!!


Well here is some Mark news. Mark posted tonight on the Wakefield Fan Forum. He has made some decisions that might be kinda shocking to everyone. I have put the entire post on the Dedicated to Mark page, so go read that if you don't all ready know the news.


Hey you all have to go download Second String's stuff at Mp3.comAnd vote for them on PromoSquad. Click on the banner below. I thought I would help them out by telling all of you guys!! Later


The new logo is here, YAY!! I hope you like it, we do :) But we are happy to be apart of the Wakefield Girls. We are waiting to get a group picture of the guys, we have group pictures but they are old and we need a new one. So hopefully that will happen at teh TLA show. I uploaded new pictures of the guys on their bio page. They are the ones from the official site but I like them so I thought I would put them up. Okay well I hope you all are going to the TLA in a couple of weeks. You can buy your tickets at Ticketmaster.com. Hope to see you all there. And you will probably be able to figure out who we are cuz we have shirts and they are both the same. So when you see that logo and 2 girls wearing them, that's us! Okay well i'm gonna go, talk to you all later!! oh and I added the Official Wakefield Girls Logo and a link to the main page, since we are a part of them I thought that would be nice.


Things are changing a little bit. Cassie is still working on the fan surverys so keep checking back for them. We decided the picture page was getting to cluttered so we made separate pages for each gruop of pictures. We have a new logo for us and as Cassie said we have become a PA chapter of the Wakefield Girls, so be sure to check back to see that. We added some stuff to the Dedicated to Mark page, so check that out. And some new links have been added so make sure you go look at them. And as you all know W*F is going to be at the TLA on the 29th, YAY!! The tickets will available through Ticketmaster.com, so check there for them. I couldn't find them as of today but the one band said they should be up there to buy soon. Be sure to check that out too. Later Guys!!


Hey guys! First of all, bit news on the show front, they're coming back to Philly! Yup, they'll be in our back yard, and at the TLA of all places. I absolutly love that place. Okay, so some changes are gonna be popping up around here over the next week. I'm adding a new section with surveys filled out by fans, just so you can get to know a little bit more about everyone else. Also, we're changing the site slightly. Everything is gonna be the same, and we're still gonna be the fan page, but after talking with the wakefield girls, we've decided to also become the pa chapter of them. So if you see a different logo or something like that, don't be alarmed, it's still the same page. Yea, that's about it.


Hey guys, we're back!!! Florida was a ton of fun, wish i was still there but glad to be back. I added some new pictures to the pics page and the pics with us and W*F page. And the pics from St. Margarets that weren't working are now working. Okay well that's about all, until next time. Later Guys!!

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Wakefield fans rawk cause we don't steal other people's stuff, so please don't give us a bad name! At least ask before you steal stuff, and if we say no then you can take it, at least knowing that you tried to be nice.