
Awww....i'm so happy for Wakefield. They are officially signed to Atlantic Records. They *as many of you already knew* threw their signing party this past Friday at My Brother's Place in Waldorf, MD. They leave Sept. 18 to go record in Cali. But they will be playing 1 most likely 2 before they go. This friday in Amboy, NJ at Krome and at Six Flags in Baltimore, MD. I hope you all get a chance to catch at least one of those show, posibly both of them. But I have pictures I have to get developed from Jaxx's and MBP. Once I get them I will put them up so you all can see. And we are still working on getting Aaron's bio. He knows about it, it's just a matter of time availibility at shows, but we are hopefully gonna get it this friday. So keep hanging on and as soon as we get it we will let you all know. Okay that's all for now, later guys.


Hi! Okay, just a little update to say another show has been added in NJ on the 31st. And thanks to all you lovely people, we have passed the 2000 visitor mark! We love you all to pieces! Okay, I'm gonna leave up the last update, so see ya'll soon!


Yo yo yo! Okay, so lots of news today. I just gotta make sure I remember everything. Okay, as some of you may have heard, WF has been signed. Theyre heading out to the west coast next month to do some recording, and they've announced a signing party at my brother's place on august 24th, so make sure you can go! Umm, everyone's bios have been updated, and before you get to excited, no, we don't have Aaron's bio, but this time it was his fault. it will be filled out soon though, so we'll let you know about that. But everyone else's bios have been updated, so, umm, yea, i think i remembered everything. Later!


What's up guys?!? Well this is exciting news that Wakefield has a show this sunday, and it's even more exciting that I can go now :D I hope to see you all there supporting them!! But I changed the Wakefield Girls logo on the bottom to a smaller banner. The one that was there was huge. Thanks Rach for sending me the smaller one. But that's all I have to say right now. Talk to you all later and maybe see you this weekend. Oh and you all have to come check out Manifest and Jepetto this saturday at the Hard Rock in Baltimore. Okay i'm really done now, bye byes!


Hey everyone!! Not much new today, just my suspisions were confirmed, as well as the show. So everyone be sure to mark that down on you calenders. There were a couple of other things I was gonna do, but I don't remember, and I've gotta go fight with the people at my bank who stole my money anyway, so I'm just gonna go now.


Hola! Well, rumors have been trickling down of a show next sunday. i'm gonna take the fact that the venue has it confirmed to mean that there is a show. I'm warning you now this has not been *officially* confirmed by WF, although some members have been talking about it. So, if it doesn't end up happening, don't yell at us for posting it. We're just posting what we hear. So, um, yea, aside from that i'm just messing with fonts and such, so if you refresh a page and it's different, that's why.


Well it took me all night cuz my computer was being a whore but the pictures from the Side Bar last wednesday are finally up. And the pictures of Mest are up on here too, you can find them on the random page. But the wakefield pictures are on the pictures page. The TLA pictures are also up too along with new pictures of us and wakefield on the us and wakefield page. YAY, so now you all have some new stuff to look at. Me and Cassie really hate angelfire and are thinking about getting a domain for our site cuz that way we don't have to deal with the angelfire crap. We will let you know what happens that, we will probably get on but that was discussed today during our wonderfull tour of the University of Maryland. lol :D but keep checking back for any and all updates. Later guys!!!

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Wakefield fans rawk cause we don't steal other people's stuff, so please don't give us a bad name! At least ask before you steal stuff, and if we say no then you can take it, at least knowing that you tried to be nice.