Don't ask why, but JD filled out two of these. it's a long story, but the end result is that he filled out another one. Some of thhe answers are the same, but any that are different I'll put in stars next to the old one.

Added in: Date of Birth: April 28th, 1984
1. Full Name: Ricky-Ticky Tembo No Sai Rembo Cherry Berry Uchi Pip Perri Pembo
**John Jacob Jingle-Heimer Schmidt**
2. Hair and Eye Color: Blonde/Blue
3. Height: 5 something
**6' (add in by cassie, yea, when he's dreaming)** 4. What's Your favorite food: Carrot Ice Cream
5. Favorite Color: Airforce Blue
6. Favorite Fruit: Cantaloupe
7. Favorite Bands: Every band in the world... except for Wakefield
**Every band located in the state of maryland**
8. Who is the most non-innocent guy in the band: Miiiike
9. What do you think of boybands: They are great entertainers and nobody can honestly deny that no matter how much they hate them, are jealous of them, or want to be Fred Durst.
**they're my heros**
10. Coasters, Deadly or Exciting: DEADLY
11. What do you wear to bed ;): Sunglasses
12. If you got a tattoo, what would it be and where: I want to get a flaming goat corpse on my face.
13. Where is your favorite place to chill: my living room
14. What's your favorite color M&M: blue
15. What are your favorite quotes: "That'll do pig... That'll do"
16. What's your most prized possesion: my dice belt buckle
**my ability to sleep until 5:00 in the afternoon**
17. What was the worst thing that happened in your day today: I had to wake up... I hate waking up.
**I woke up and I was in this horrible band...Wakefield**
18. How cool are Cassie and Erin: "If being totally Rad is cool...consider them Miles Davis"

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Wakefield fans rawk cause we don't steal other people's stuff, so please don't give us a bad name! At least ask before you steal stuff, and if we say no then you can take it, at least knowing that you tried to be nice.