
1. Full Name/Birthday: Erin Vosburgh/ 3-11-84, finally 17.
2. Hair/Eye color: Brownish Blond/Blue
3. Height: 5'8
4. Favorite Food: Strawberries and whipped cream. A very enjoyable combination.
5. Favorite color: baby blue
6. Favorite Fruit: Strawberries (only with whipped cream though) and tangerines.
7. Favorite Bands: Wakefield, Jepetto, Jimmies Chicken Shack, Good Charlotte, A New Found Glory, Lit, MXPX, OPM, The Stryder, Three Doors Down, Fuel, No Doubt.
8. Most non-innocent guy in Wakefield: I'm not quite sure, but my guess would be Mike (look at that picture on his bio page to see why).
9. What do you think of boy bands: They're good eye candy and some of their songs are good, but they aren't all that appealing to me.
10. Coasters, Deadly or Exciting: They're exciting. They're among the many things I enjoy for cheap thrills. j/k they are really fun :)
11. What do you wear to bed: That depends, are my nails done?
12. If you could get a tattoo, what would it be and where: Chinese letters on my lower back.
13. What is your favorite place to chill: My room.
14. Favorite Color M&M: Green
15. What are you favorite quotes: "Why do the good girls always want the bad boys?"
16. What's your most prized possession: My league championship trophy for lacrosse
17. What's the worst thing that happened in your day today: I woke up sick. I should not have been running around Philly last night without a jacket. It was freaking cold.
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Wakefield fans rawk cause we don't steal other people's stuff, so please don't give us a bad name! At least ask before you steal stuff, and if we say no then you can take it, at least knowing that you tried to be nice.