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 I lived in Italy for a little over two years. These pics were taken on my many visits to Rome and the Vatican. I highly suggest that if you ever have the opportunity, go and see this ancient city. It will be an experience that you will never forget.

While some Italians do speak English it would be worth your while to brush up on your Italian before you visit. I would not recommend driving here unless you really need to. Your chances of becoming involved in a traffic accident are high. Public transportation is readily available for your use.

I would also advise you not to bring along anything valuable or anything that you would not want stolen. While violent crime in Italy is low, they do have a lot of theft due to the high unemployment rate. There are some of the finest thieves and pickpockets in the world on the streets and trains of beautiful Italia. "When in Rome; do as the Romans do". A little common sense will carry you far.


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1st Annual Total Submersion Dive Festival

Grand Cayman Island

November 9 - 16, 2000


The following pictures were taken at the very first Total Submersion Dive Festival. This event was sponsored by the PADI dive association and covered by Sportdiver Magazine and was a complete success. This is the first annual event. Following "Total Submersion's" will also be held at Grand Cayman every year. It was a lot of fun and the people
were absolutely wonderful.


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For more pictures of the Total Submersion Dive Festival, visit the following link:

Grand Cayman Underwater

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