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LAST UPDATED: Sunday, July 15, 2001


hey guys, here're the pictures especially from the dinner cruise and promotion -- enjoy!

sum of 'em (okiez... i mean most of 'em) dun have captions. so here we go...

five girls, all dressed up, and all faking smiles. beautiful, eh? lol jp. from L-R it's Mara, me, Jueli, Jessica (she's the one in the front) and Terri. is it juss me or do we all look a little... confused?

could the distance between jeff and grace be any bigger? yeash...

u see the girl on the right? that's anna.... like *the* absolute sweetest person u will ever meet. *sniff* im gonna really miss ya next year, u kno that????

oh here we are again! in the back, from L-R, it's gracie, jueli (mouth gaping... lol jp), me (DONT.. SAY.. ANYTHING...), julia, and mara, and in the front its abby and marissa. dont they look so sweet? *sigh* promotion is so sad....

its me and shreya!.. on the hill above the skol's soccer/football/softball field (yeah, i kno, our skol has a really crappy field but dats okay). can u tell which one's shreya and which one's me? (if u cant, get glasses... u proly need 'em.)

dont we all look so boring in this picture? lol, figures, we juss came out of the promotion ceremony (hey where'd *my* carnation go???....) from L-R, it's gracie, julia, me, mike forbes (where's kendra in this?!?!), andrew helgeson, and alan. (haha this is funny, ive never seen these guys in a tie b4...)

five guys, all from takoma. at the top, from L-R, it's alan and mike forbes (again). down at the bottom, from L-R, its josh, paul, and yich... is it juss me or does yich look a little..... funny-verging-on-high...? LoL... *oh yeah* and 4 yich... who claims it was the dinner cruise food --- this was the morning before the dinner cruise...

okay so this one didnt turn out 2 well, but u can still see ppl. kinda, yeah. okay so from L-R, it's jueli, me, and julia leeman, in the cafeteria right b4 the buses left 2 whisk us off 2 the dinner cruise. *sigh*... if i could only go back to that night...

such a nice scene isn't it? u can see the boat behind us, kinda, if u look hard 'nuff... but of course, the boat isn't the interesting part... letsee.. at the back, from L-R (tho it shouldn't be 2 hard 2 distinguish who's who cuz there r only two ppl and one's a girl, the other's a guy...) it's jueli and greg. #4, i thinK? and in front, from L-R, it's me and paul, and robert and mara. ("robert, darling.. absolutely VOGUE....") lol...

aww doesn't she look so cute? how could u be mad at a face like that? (easily... trust me, i kno. lol JP!!!) its jueli at the dinner cruise. hmm i think the six packs of sugar are starting to wear off....