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St Nicholas Anglican Church

Sutton Baptist Church has always believed that the divisions in God's church hinder our mission and prevent us being the sign to the world that Christ intended. On his last night with his disciples, Jesus prayed that his disciples would be one in order that the world might believe. We take this very seriously and so we are part of an Ecumenical partnership with our neighbour churches Trinity (URC/Methodist) [BELOW ] and St Nicholas (Anglican) [RIGHT] and have established an official L.E.P. (Local Ecumenical Partnership).

All our evening services are shared with each other as well as four united morning services each year. In addition to this, we share in a variety of other united worship events including a Carol Concert, Maundy Thursday Communion, Christmas Day Celebration and 'pulpit swaps' where the clergy conduct services in the other churches.

Trinity URC Methodist ChurchWe publish a monthly magazine together - "Unite", and share occasional Quiet Days. We're constantly seeking to find new ways of working together and are working to establish a joint social action project in our town.