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The Bunyan Window

One of the most remarkable features of Sutton Baptist Church is the Bunyan Window which faces you as you look toward the front of the church.

The window is an original feature of the church which was built in 1934.

John Bunyan was a puritan who lived in the 17th century in the region of Bedford. Like many non-conformists of his time, he was imprisoned for his faith. It was during one of these periods of imprisonment that he wrote a book that has rightly claimed a place among the greats of English literature: Pilgrim’s Progress.

Bunyan’s book is an allegory. It tells the story of a man called Christian and his spiritual journey through life. Being an allegory, it really stands for all of us on our spiritual quest.

The Window displays 10 scenes from the book. The story flows sequentially clockwise around the outer windows, starting at the bottom left and culminating in the centre. Click the pictures in alphabetical order to follow the story sequentially or start with A "Evangelist Points the Way" and follow the the "Next" links.
To return here, to the index, click a picture.
  D - Christian is free of his burden.  
C - The Wicket Gate J - The Spiritual Journey completed E - Dressed in The Armour of God
B - The Slough of Despond I - The River of Death F - The Battle with Apollyon
A - Evangelist Points The Way H - Imprisoned in Doubting Castle G - Vanity Fair
Patrick Beckley, a member of the 4th Sutton Boys' Brigade, assisted in the design and construction of this page as part of his Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award.