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I was born Anemic, but was healed of it by the time i was three. When I was three my family started to notice that the calve muscle of my left leg was bigger than the right one. I went to the doctor's and went under some test's and found out that the lump was a non-cancerous tumor. I then underwent three sugeries to remove the tumor, but it kept coming back. So I then underwent six months of chemo-theropy, and five weeks of radiation treatments. This caused my leg to become somewhat of deformed, my knee would not straighten or bend the way it was suppossed to.

Because of going through this, and having to put most of my weight on my right leg, my right hip had slipped, meaning that the ball and socket was not the way it was supposed to be. Also, I had develpoed a disease of bone detearation in the same hip, so i had to get a pin put into the hip to put it back into it's place. That was when I was five years old. When I was six years old I had to undergo another operation to remove an ovary due to an ovaric cyst. For a few years after that my doctor told my mother and myself to think of amputation, but we both said no. The reason is because as well as not being able to bend or straighten my knee, the chem and radiation cause my leg to have a growth defect, meaning it was not growing fast enough.
But when I was nine we found a doctor who was studying how to lengthen limbs, or my leg. So we looked into it and decided to try it. I had my first aparatis on for over a year, having three operations with the same frame. When I was thirteen I had to get it on again, because I was not yet done growing. I had that one on for seven months, with two operations.

Oh yeah & through it all.......I have been overweight. Which really sucks cause when ur fat u don't get boyfriends or even friends in general. I have two friends aside from family members, Ginetta & Gareth. Yeah there are other people I talk to on the net, but I haven't gotten to know them well enough to call them actual "friends". I also suffer from it's hard to figure out why. I am also 22, never had a boyfriend, still a virgin (which I like), never been on a date, & yes even the big one.....never been kissed!

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