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Baffling Jive

How's it goin boys and girls? We finally have a name that even if we decide we hate's staying. You are now entering the Baffling Jive... website, and since we'll be making millions one day, you might as well get a jump on the masses and start to know a bit about us. The band consists of 6 very different individuals with 6 very different ways of approaching music. Between us we like everything from funk to punk, classic rock to acid rock, beatles to beasties, and pretty much everything and anything in between or around the corner. People always want to know what kind of music we answer is, if you can think of what it would be like if all those sounds collaborated, you'd be close....maybe. So, join us for a while if you like. We'd be happy to show you around...
...hope you enjoy your stay.

Hey everyone visiting our site, it's Terzi... and I'm seeing what I can do to screw with the website. Hopefully sometime in the future I'll be able to add all kinds of nifty schtuff to the page, including animations and pics and such, so come back often to see whats new. I'm just glad that we won't have to update the name any more... just thinking about that gives me an anurism.

For everyone who wants to know, or who isn't quite sure how the hell they got here, here's a list of URLs that you can use to get to our spiffy little page:

More of there URLs will be added soon, but why should you be complaining? You have six to choose from already. Jerk. If you wanna be like that, maybe we dont even want you on our page. Go. Just get out. Leave. Jerk.

To be included in our mailing list, send us love mail, hate mail, or any other males, write us at: