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Disclaimer, Credits and Terms of use. For

You are welcome to use any of the graphic on my "Gifts for you", "PSP Tubes" and my "Free Butterfly Graphics" pages for your personal web pages. Please do not take any other graphic or pictures from any other part of this site. I have worked many hours for your public enjoyment and my own personal use. I hope you ENJOY them as much as I enjoyed making and collecting them!!

Live Butterfly Photos are for your viewing enjoyment. If you use them on your site please DO NOT remove my name. A link back to my home page would be nice but is not required. I get a lot of viewers asking for permission to use them for personal use. Personal use is fine, but absolutely NO reselling of the photos or using them on any commercial sites.

Free Butterfly Graphics are not my work and I do not take credit for them. They are graphics I collected that were offered free on the web. If you find any that are yours and are not offered for free please email me and I will remove it. You must have proof that it is yours. (many of the same type of butterfly graphics were made by more than one person)

Gifts for you graphics were made by using Ulead Photo and PSP Tubes. Read more about how I made my graphics below. If you take any of the gifts offered please read the: Terms of use.

Slide Show Graphics Please DO NOT take any of the graphics from my slide shows without permission. These graphics were made with PSP Tubes and Ulead Photo. Read more about how I made my graphics below.

PSP Tubes All of the tubes on these pages I have made myself and are free for you to download and use for what ever you would like. If it wasn't for all the free things offered on the web I would have never been able to make the beautiful pictures I have made for my pages. So when I started making my own tubes I felt it was only fair to return the kindness. I do not expect you to give me credit or even link back to this page but if you would like to please feel free, it would be greatly appreciated. The only thing I do ask is that you do not take credit for any of my tubes and that you do not use them in your own sets without credit to me. And also just one more thing if you do use any of my tubes please email me with your URL, I would love to see the creative things you make.

How I make graphics!

All of my digital graphics were made using PSP Tubes and Ulead Photo. Most but not all of the tubes used in the graphics are my own made with scanned pictures, scanned or photographed images and pictures collected from the web. Notice the butterflies and sparkle image on this page, the two butterflies I made from temporary tattoos I bought. I scanned the temporary tattoos and turned them into PSP Tubes. The sparkles are from free tubes offered on the web. Tubes that are NOT mine and used in my pictures and graphics I collected from the web. I have tried to add as many links to the sites I received tubes from as possible. It's my way of giving credit where credit is due.  Click here for links to the PSP Tube sites I have used.

If you find a tube that is in one of my graphics and you do not see your link please email me and I will add it. If you see a PSP Tube I have used and it's not free for use please email me and I will remove it. You must have proof that it is yours. (many of the same type of tubes were made by more than one person)

The pictures I have on my Faeries and Angel pages that are not mine I have added the artists name (when known) at the bottom of each picture and in some cases the link to their site. Since I do not own these pictures I cannot give you permission to use them.

About my gifts.

The gifts I have offered for your use are  LINK WARE - meaning, if you use anything from my pages of gifts, a graphics logo or a typed address linking back to my home page is required on EACH page where the graphics are used. This does not mean you can give credit on a separate page where you list all graphics artists. Please read "Terms of Use" on each gift page.

PLEASE provide a link to, if you use any of my gifts.

Graphics are NOT to be used for eMail stationery,

PLEASE save any gifts you would like to use to your own computer and upload to your own server. Bandwidthing is Illegal (If you have questions about how to do this, please feel free to e-mail for help.)


PLEASE do not include my graphics in any collection or set.

PLEASE do not claim them as your own.

These Graphics are for personal use only (family safe site only) - NO commercial site use!

PLEASE do not alter them in any way. This includes, making backgrounds, changing colors or resizing. These graphics are given free "as is". If you would like something personalized, e-mail me and I'll be glad to do it for you.


I would like to thank my brother TRAMP97 for helping me get started on making web pages. I didn't have a clue on  how to even begin. I would also like to thank my family for being so patient with me while I was glued to the computer. And of course I can't forget all the people on the web who made it possible for me to obtain all the gifs and graphics. For links to some sites with free graphics click here: Free Graphics and Backgrounds