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 Please do not take any of the graphics from this page. Thank you.     Updated: 10/23/02

Sandra Dee's World was started in April of 1999. Starting out with a simple page my Brother helped me with. It didn't take long before I fell in Love with creating websites. I since have created many many pages and sites. As you can see by most of my pages, I have a great love for Butterflies and Faeries. After the first page which was changed again and again with all my favorite things on it, now is my personal about me page - I created a "How to Butterfly Garden" page. This was my second page made. This page did so well with traffic and viewers I moved onto a links page for other butterfly sites. I than moved onto making three more sites - Sandra Dee's World Of Butterflies, Sandra Dee's World Of Angels and Sandra Dee's World Of Faeries. I than decided to link the three sites from one page called "Things with Wings"  The faeries pages seems to be the favorite of most visitors even more so than the butterflies. Shortly after creating "Things with Wings" I received an email from a man named Sean Mc Kelvy, Who writes poetry. He sent some of his poems to post on my sites. The poetry was a great additive to the pages.

The name of this site is Sandra Dee's World. (Like you haven't figured that out by  now) :) I am not the "Actress Sandra Dee", just a mom from Baltimore, Md. with the same name. After about a year of making sites I decided to get my own domain name and found it only appropriate to get since it's also my name and it was available. I receive many emails from people thinking I am the Actress even though I have it posted on many of my pages that I am not. I have no way of forwarding the emails to the actress and I doubt she would be checking my guest book for herself. Sorry...

Another love of mine is making graphics. This page you are now viewing is one of three of my most recent graphics made into web sets. Most of the other graphics are made into slide shows for easy viewing. The graphics were made by using many of my own pictures and some different ones collected from the web. Like the graphics on this page, it was made with a butterfly tattoo I scanned and turned into a PSP Tube, and the purple flare in the background was made from a PSP Tube I collected from the web. I would like to take this time to thank everyone who has been so kind to leave such nice messages in my guest book and to have sent such nice emails complimenting on the graphics. It's those people who have given me the inspiration to keep making graphics and web sites. 

Thank you again!

And that's about it!  That's how  got started for those who want to know. Pretty short story, huh! :) I hope you enjoy your visit!

Sandra D.

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