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Sanctuary of the Clans

Deep in the steamy jungle of the Rainy Basin, many remains of past civilizations are found. The ruined buildings, sparsely scattered in the deep rain forest, are home to the clan of raptors who call themselves The FireSphere Clan. One building in particular catches your eye. It's fascade of cracked granite and an arch with the ornate image of a raptor head are stunning. You slowly make your way through the dense groundcover, pushing past vines and moss covered rocks to get to this ruined temple. Yet as you approach you hear a rustling in the brush next to you. You turn and are faced with the massive figure of a full grown raptor towering before you. The raptor turns her slit of an eye to you and then quite elonqently demands your business in the Clan Sanctuary. You decide the safest route is to calmly explain yourself and how you were seeking the FireSphere Clan. The raptor eyes you warily and walks away. You stand in awe but soon are scrambling after her as she enters the ruin.

Enter the Sanctuary

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MistReaver's Sanctuary Chat

Visit my message board: Clan Message Board

~Eternal thanks to C'xoila for drawing the beautiful map for me!~

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