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We Got a Winner!



Cast & Politics

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Last Update: Thursday August 15, 2002
(status update)

The world of Xar has retreated back to its creators' minds. The information on this website became outdated due to shifts in the nature of the project and the preferences of its creators.

Unfortunately, the primary creators of the project have mostly disappeared into the Internet aether, never to be seen again. Those of us who remain -- only Dave [the original mastermind] and me, J.R. [the annoying micromanager/organizer of this thing] -- have put Xar on the back burner to work on other projects.

Personal note from J.R. : I fell in love with the world and its characters and I still have fond memories of both our conversations and the work I did during that period. I would like to resurrect Xar someday, and when I do, everyone will receive credit for their input. I'm not out to rip anyone off -- this started as a collaborate effort and it will stay that way until the last word of it is forgotten. I think I've learned a lot from this world-building -- not just from you guys, but the reading from history, mythology and fantasy that I was forced to do just to to measure up with the group's standards. It's about as entertaining as the Internet got.

I think a Xarian chronicle could have been a wonderful finished product had real life not interfered as it so often does. Everyone had talent, and I'd assume they have it still. I'd like to thank Dave (of course), Yolanda (hope everything's fine with the new kid), Robert (I wonder where you went, friend, you were a lynchpin of the group), Scurvy (never did tell us your real name, you crazy-man) and Sean (more help than you know) for all their helpful input, and apologize to Craig for being a bastard. Double thanks go to the furtive Scott for being the best editor I could have hoped for.

Note: This website has not been deleted, though it has been removed from Angelfire webspace due to obsolescent info. I also have all our info from Yahoo Groups (the glossary info and our 500 or so messages) backed up on disk. If any of you guys still require its information (yeah, right, when the stars align), you know how to find me.

The sun will rise again on the Xarian realm... this I can guarantee.

-J.R. out.