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Special Notes for the Stay-At-Home-Mom

In the midst of the day-in day-out activities that make up the scope of our responsibilities as stay-at-home-moms, I think it is easy to lose our focus. Sometimes it is easy to focus, instead, on all the things that must be done, or all the things that have gone wrong. It is the little miracles in each day, if we are only willing to see them, that can help us remember why we chose to be a stay-at-home-mom.

While I know the reasons for this choice will vary from mom to mom, usually there is some point where most will say they are glad they have the opportunity to be there for all the special milestones in their children's lives. I missed out on those early milestones with my first child because I returned to another job when he was only eight weeks old. Trust me, I have treasured every step of growth with my last two babies. Milestones for me do not just represent physical and mental growth. Other than God and my husband, there is no one who will love my children like me or care as much as I do about their moral growth. Who better than me to be there every day nuturing and training them? Who else has the same investment that I do in their lives?

One of my greatest joys is the opportunity that I have to welcome older, Titus 2 women into our moms' ministry every month to speak to us. I have yet to hear an older woman say she regrets that she spent time with her children. I have heard many say they regret NOT spending MORE time! Do you know of anyone on their deathbed that wished they had spent more time at work? The book, Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Album emphasizes this very topic. If you are feeling discouraged about your calling as a mom at home, maybe it is time for a private "What Matters Most" conference between you and God. What counts in the end is how much you loved God and how much you loved people, starting with your family.

For some moms, it helps to reaffirm the choice to be a stay-at-home-mom. Why did you stay at home? Is it really only about the money (you can't afford the expense of childcare)? What does reaffirming your choice mean in everyday, practical terms? Can you say:

  1. This is my calling, and I can and will be joyful in it. (I Cor. 10:31, "Whether therefore ye eat or drink; do all to the glory of God.")
  2. This is my full-time priority so it is worth it to do my very best to create an atmosphere taht is peacful and enjoyable for my husband and family. (Prov. 31:28, "Her children arise and call her blessed, her husband also and he praises her.")
  3. It is important for me to take time for the things that will help me be strong physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and socially.

What you do matters more than you will know any time in the short-term. You may not ever know the difference you have made while you are here on this earth, but one day you will reap the rewards of your investment. Until then, press on, and continue to be faithful. I think some of the greatest lessons in life can only be learned as a mom at home with your children. Can you think of many other ways to grow in patience, discernment, the willingness to serve others in very menial ways, compassion, consistency, or humility? Our children know our weaknesses and our faults, and they are usually the things they copy first! Nothing quite like parenting helps us see our real need of God and His character qualities. Mothering is about serving. There are some popular authors and speakers today that would say otherwise, but I can think of no greater calling than to serve my family as a mom at home.

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