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The Swift Intruders

**News 3-02-3065 !**

New Message board up. all new recriuts and civillians must register.

The new Conference Room Is up Now. Tell Your Friends.

  • New Update:The Wind marauder piloted by Christina Tech will be up today. Already up are these mechs:TRV-Fei Yen and HBV-Raiden, Mikes Super Beast Marauder mech, Erin's Swoop Land Air Mech, Mouse's Warped Fei-Yen Recon/Dueling mech and 2 Prototype Mech winners, The Dorkas And Temjin, Are up Now. They are in the Duty Roster and History section under "Our Mechs".

    Other things:

  • The Rules Section Is Up, So, If You Are Still wanting to know what we are talking about, go there and check it out.
  • Soon To Follow Will Be Subsequent Designs That Were used In OP:FreeFall will be posted, along side with the rest of the winners of the prototype trails.
  • And Now 3 of The Prototype testing arenas ar up now: PTF Orbital, The Black Mesa hazard Course, And The Storage Area er arena! .


    "Everything was quiet, until the song started to play...a song about warring worlds......" yes, it is music you are hearing. its a song from an early 21st century group called "Poerman 5000" and the song is called "When Worlds Collide!". It symbolizes everything we are, and all that can ever be. with that said, lets get down to business. our Design teams have been chugging out mech by the hundreds, and testing them is taking a while. dont worry....well beat you with them soon enough. our two 6 kilometer long warships, known as collossus, have finnally rejoined with our 20 mile mother ship, after Fighting their way in from the Perephery with some Jade Wolf Vaga Bonds and Pirates. needless to say, they came out of it with only dings and dents.


    As For now, Music files will be up soon, and so will the Ryan Tech Bio and the Christina Tech bio. The 182nd "Archangels" LAM Division is back up to full strength, with all 100 Swoops In Tip Top Condition, and Erin in her own Erin Swoop At Their Head, with C.S. "Lost It" As 2nd in command. You can expect this to piss off a whole bunch of people. The 183rd is commisioned with all of its 100 2nd generation Swoops primed and ready.Under the command of C.S. "Lost it", They Have Dubbed themselves the "Thunderstorms".

    As of now, our updates are going to be more frequent. <BGSOUND src="">


    "This Is The Future. The Future Is Now." -Lord Crazy Mike

    Freefall's command lance

    Interestingly, Freefall, A Spinter Merc Outfit, Decided to Rejoin Swift After A Battle Against Clan Jade Wolf

    Command lance From Left To Right: Hunter With His ABV-2 Warrior, Mouse in Her MBV1s Stealth Temjin, Lord Crazy Mike In His Old MBV-Mikes Temjin, Wrecked in His TRV-2s Viper Stealth LAM, And Erin Lingren In Her Old ABVK-2 Kodiak

    Antiraptor Armor

    this armor was desighned to withstand combat with our Powered Velociraptor Infantry. Our Velociraptor Infantry Are Really Genetically Bred Velociraptors. Contrary to popular belief, Raptors Are Not 7' tall, But in reallity, they are only 5' tall (and Very Cruel) (Thanx Goes To Natasha Bray For Posing in The Armor)

    "Armor, Hah! Those Lizards Cower When I Walk In The Room!" Dustin "Nobody" Cloud

    Flight Armor

    Desighned to intercept and neutralize VTOL support (Thanx Goes To Kim Wagner For Posing in The Armor)

    "WWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Heather Kopelson's Last Words