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Frequently Asked Questions / FAQ's

1. What is this about?

One sided reporting of news and events in NE Ireland. Biased editorials. Reporting is usually biased in favour of the British Government and the largest party (UUP)* and very seldom gives the nationalist side.
* Even though the UUP represents less than 26% of the voters

2.What are you trying to achieve?

Fairness and truth in the media. Balanced reporting. We are not trying to "win the media over to our side" just be fair, investigative and thorough. Going out and interviewing real people,unionists, loyalists, nationalists and republicans, instead of relying on telephone polls. The people there, deserve nothing less and the American, English, Canadian, and International readers deserve the truth in the news and better reporting.

3. Why don't you think this is being done now?

The constant quoting of "polls" for one thing. Terms, like "the political arm of" without any proof or background. News "viruses" spreading from British tabloids, or politicians into the media, terms and invented concepts like the "spirit of the GFA" spreading from paper to paper without questioning the origin.

4. Why is this?

It's easier and cheaper to hang around British Army HQ in Lisburn and get handouts from "public relations" NCO's and officers or from politicians' press secretaries than go out into the street. It's easier to pick up a phone and call people, who may tell you what they think you "want to hear". It's easier and more fun and more ego-boosting, to party with politicians, other journalists. It is also a way to form friendships that interfere with your objectivity.

5. Isn't Britain a democracy with a free press like the USA?

No! Britain has an offical secrets act that is in effect even durng peace time. Any editor or writer can be tapped on the shoulder and told not to publish a story. The Irish government has also had very strict censorhip for over 25 years since the 1970's. It was only suspended recently. It can be brought back at any time. And these are the sources of much of the stories and biases that gets to the American, Canandian and European media.

6. Is this strictly an activist website?

Yes. However, feel free to leave informational notes, but no adds please on the forum. However, the Irish Media Watch bulletin board is strictly activist and is for posting articles, editorials and responses only.(question 9).

7. How can I help?

a) Monitor your own local papers.
b) Alert others.
c) Write editors and others.
d) Post or email your letters, ideas and suggestions.

8. I've written editors, it never gets published! Is that the only way I can work for change? I want to reamin anonymous.

Just because they haven't published your letter does not mean you have not made an impact. Several of us have seen papers change policies or practices after a few letters that are not published, but acted upon. Writing a letter to the editor is not the only way to influence a paper. Email us if you are shy or want to remain anonymous, there are other ways to help effectively If you want to keep your own name out of print, but you are a good writer, then compose it for a friend, (who believes as you do), to sign and send it.

9. Is the Media Bulletin Board for political debate or statements?

The board is for activists who want to do something about the problem The board is a valuable tool for activists. We want to keep it that way. We have links to Debate Central (no fee required) which is for uncensored debate about Ireland and the Republican bulletin board, (which charges a small fee for its subscription) and allows its subscribers to post. We have an etire web page with links to other debate boards for you. The media bulletin board is for your use, it is a "work" board, not a debate board. If a post is not relevant to the media and media problems it will get deleted.

10. How is this Web site Organized?