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Concert Pictures!

Here is the section of my page where I keep all the pictures of me and my friends hanging out with our favorite bands. Fenix Tx is the coolest out of all of them. Will the lead singer invited us backstage one show to party with them. So we did. We also hung out with New Found Glory and Good Charlotte. Two awesome bands. One day I hope to chill with Blink.

One of my favorite pictures. Its me and Will from Fenix hanging out after their show in Washington DC. This picture actually came out well unlike my other Fenix pictures which the developing people made all blurry.

Here is me(Left), Chad from New Found Glory, and Other Sean(Right). When Chad asked what our names were and we both said Sean he's like "I want a picture with The Sean's. Sean and Chad sandwhich!" He was a cool as shit.

Me and Ian of New Found Glory. This was an hour before they went on stage. I was downstairs buying a shirt and then my friends yelled at me from the balcony, "Sean, Ian's up here waiting for ya." So I ran up and there he was. Got this sweet picture. We've been emailing back and forth because he's buying a Britney Spears cardboard cut out off of me.

Me and Benji at the New Found Glory concert. I ran into him outside while I was in line. We started talking for awhile and he saw my MxPx shirt and said they would be touring with them soon. I ran into him again later and thats when I got this picture.

This is me and Paul from GC chilling after the free show at Tower. I have another picture from Tower with Me and Benji after the show but I havent scanned it yet.

Will from Fenix TX giving me what he thinks is a hug.

Me and Will chilling back stage. He was high off his ass and he was telling me how he wanted to buy a boat someday. I told him he should move to Maryland and we would buy a boat together. He laughed and thought that would be cool. He decided to call the boat the S.S. Will. When I asked why we couldnt name it after me he said, "Do you have a band?"

None of me and my friends ar ein this picture but I just think its funny. Damon has disappeared for awhile while we were backstage. He finally came back an hour later. He was taking a nap in this little compartment in the wall. This is a pic of him when he just woke up.

Here's my friend Mark flicking the camera off with Adam of Fenix TX.

Me and Aaron of Good Charlotte. Crappy quality because the photo place messed up my pics.

Me, my friends Mark, Other Sean, and Josh with Adam of Fenix TX.

Me, my friends, and Fenix TX.

Me, Friends, Fenix TX, and Ian from NFG.

Here's a picture of me and Joel, the lead singer of Good Charlotte. He's a totally cool guy.

Here is me and one of the Good Charlotte guitarists, Benji, twin brother to Joel.

Here's my friend Josh with Joel.

Josh and Benji.