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I have a lot of new fic for tonight. Stuff I've been sort of sitting on and letting incubate for a while, and now I finally feel like they're done. Hatchable, even. So we have "Southport(, Connecticut)", my story for Slash Across America, which is a little fantasy, maybe. And only a little over a month late. Eek. JC and Justin, and Chris and Joey, and Joey and Lance. A little fantasy. Forgive it it's flaws, cause I really sort of indulged in that story.

Then we have my new Nelly/Justin, another sequel to the other two, sorta: "Packed", which is admittedly a little fucked up but fun. Justin wants to be tied up. Argh, why can't you just be a real boy! Oh wait that's Pinocchio, nevermind. If you want literary allusions, see the other story, cause here we just have some interesting hurt/comfort, of a sort. I apparently only write stories containing sex now. Good to know.

And last but most especially not least, two more stories in Shireen's Nelly/Justin set, which is collectively now entitled "Who says pretty boys can't be wild?" in affectionate reference to Nelly's own "Country Grammar". The two stories are SOOO adorable, I love them forever and ever and ever and they make me smile when I think I can't. Go read "Spoiled Brat" and "Messed Up". ooh and check out those swanky new graphics I made, below. ;)

If you're debating feedback, just remember, I have a birthday coming up thursday! ;) ;)

Shireen's stories.

'member the ama's or whatever this was? ::ahem:: yeah.

Snugglebunny - Justin and Nelly and a dvd.

Uncomfortable - Jersey, 4/13. Don't we all wish we were there?

Spoiled - Naughtiness on the two way. And we all know who's spoiled.

Messed - Um, so. Nelly wasn't exactly sober on 106 and Park, was he?

My stuff.

Southport(, Connecticut) .new.nc17. - My SAA story. JC and Justin, Chris and Joey, Joey and Lance. JC's fantasy, if he had a fantasy about his bandmates having sex. In Connecticut (um, duh?).


Everyone knows Everyone.nc17.

Samba - Justin and JC in Brazil. An AU or a birthday fic. Or maybe both.

i. highlighter
ii. run
iii. backwards and forwards
iv. lift
v. tame

vi. watch me
vii. interlude
viii. something special.nc17.