Stories organized by pairing:

Angel(us) and Spike Fiction

Remember Me Series

Meningoencephalitis (PG)
Spike loses his memory and has to rely on the Scooby gang to help him. Spoilers for 'Intervention'.

Helping the Helpless (PG)
Angel spends his first night with the new Spike.

Interlude (PG)
Angel has the inevitable confrontation with Wesley, Gunn and Cordelia about his new roommate.

Indemnity (PG-13)
The ground rules have to be set. Meanwhile, Angel notices a little (ahem) problem whenever Spike is around.

Adjusting (PG)
Spike becomes more accepted.

Singular Stories

Catch My Fall (R)
During Lover's Walk Spike decides to use the love spell on Angel as a way of exacting revenge. Warning: MAJOR spoilers for this episode. Includes mild references to torture and non-consensual sex.

Spike and Xander Fiction

Paved Paradise Series

Burial of the Dead (PG-13)
When Spike discovers that Xander was turned, he needs to do what he can to keep the person he loves. Includes Willow/Tara. Warning: includes character death.

A Game of Chess (PG-13)
Xander adjusts to his new life. Includes Xander/Anya.

The Fire Sermon (PG)
Spike experiences firsthand the fallout from Xander's loss of control (and not just because he has to deal with Angel). Includes brief Willow/Tara.

Death by Water - - Coming soon!

What the Thunder Said

Xander and Doyle fiction

Leaps and Bounds Series

A Pilgrim's Progress (PG-13)
What if Doyle came to Sunnydale with Angel during Pangs?

Moving Forward (PG-13)
Xander visits Los Angeles to see where things stand.

Sex in the City (NC-17)
People get laid (finally).

Pillow Talk (PG)
The morning after, the boys need to have a talk.

Dressing the Part (PG-13)
Silly fluff. Cordelia takes the boys clothes shopping.

The Nymph's Reply (PG)
Xander discovers things about Doyle's past. Warning: spoilers for The Bachelor Party.

Angel(us) and Doyle Fiction

The Fantasy Series

Monday Monday (PG-13)
Silly fic. Angel helps Doyle with a bad hangover

Wednesday's Child (PG)
Angel contemplates being a human and kissing Doyle (but not at the same time)

Saturday Night Fever (A/D/C) (mild R)
Someone needs dancing lessons. Silly PWP

End Series

Singular Stories

When You Are Old (G)
Angel contemplates what the future will bring.

The Fascination of What's Difficult (PG)
Doyle watches Angel sleep and thinks about the past. Spoilers for Bachelor Party.

Angel(us) and Xander Fiction

Cause and Effect (R-ish.)
Xander's visit to LA takes some unexpected turns. Includes Buffy/Spike, Tara/Willow. Spoilers for Buffy vs. Dracula as well as much of the early second season of Angel and most of the fifth season of Buffy (at least as far as Glory is concerned).


The comfortable weight of a body curled around his own, the pleasant puffs of breath on his cheek, the almost overwhelming sense of loving and being loved. These were all the things that mattered in the world.