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There are several ways to join Good-To-Be-Friends (GTBF). We have Yahoogroups, which is basically, emails or you can join our message board. Both ways you will need a valid email address. We recommend getting a free email at one of the following,,,, or any other free email service. This is recommended because of the volume of mail that can possibly be sent.

GTBF also has forums designed especially for members of certain states within the US. Feel free to join one that is suitable for you. It's all about being Good Friends.

Main List -

GTBF on the West Coast - GTBF-on-the-West-Coast

GTBF in the South - GTBF-in-the-South

GTBF in Texas - GTBF-in-Texas

GTBF in New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania - GTBF-in-NY-NJ-PA

GTBF in Massachusetts and surrounding area's - GTBFinMassachusetts

GTBF in DCMDVA and surrounding area's - GTBFinDCMDVA

GTBF in Michigan and surrounding area's - GTBFinMichigan

GTBF in Illinois and surrounding areas - GTBF-in-Illinois

Atlanta, GA and surrounding areas - GTBF-in-Atlanta

Florida and surrounding area's - GTBF-in-Florida


Become A Financial Mermber

Membership dues will go towards the operating expense of GTBF and help finance planned community project and GTBF functions. Membership dues will also afford financial members discounts to various GTBF sponsored functions.

Below is a PDF document of our "Membership Form" for you to download. Please complete the form, and return to us with your dues payment. Additional instructions and information is available on the form. Please feel free to contact any of our board members for assistance.

Member Form.pdf
Joining through Yahoogroups

If you are not a member of yahoogroups you will first have to register. Or, You can send an email to or with "Join GTBF" in the subject line. An invitation will be sent to you. Just specify which list. There are several options on how to read your mail once you become a member.

* Individual Emails - Messages are delivered one at a time to your email inbox. This option is best if you'd want to keep up on the latest posts immediately.

* Daily Digest - Messages are delivered in batches of 25 or daily, whichever comes sooner. This is the best option if you want to receive fewer mail messages and don't need up-to-the minute posts in your inbox.

* Special Announcements - This means you will receive email messages only when the group moderator posts a "Special Announcement" message.

This is a good option if you want to pass on day-to-day discussion for very busy groups but do want to receive important updates from the group moderator. Only Special Announcements messages that are sent are Breaking News, Top Stories of the Day, or a Question.

* No Mail / Web Only - This option puts email message delivery on hold, for example while you are on vacation. If message archives are available, this option also permits you to read messages at the Yahoo! Groups web site, which a lot of the list members love because they can read the mail from any computer without every worrying about there email filling up.

Subscribe to Good-To-Be-Friends
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Joining the Good-To-Be-Friends Message Board

Click and register. Here you receive no emails unless you check the option when replying to a message. This option just notifies you when someone replies to the topic you replied to. The most used feature is GTBF on yahoogroups. Both are free.

If you have any questions, please email or