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NS Freight.JPG 94k NS at Cassandra  This TV train moves West toward Johnstown, Pa. I like this spot. The little town has gone out of its way to welcome railfans. The mayor cleared the brush and trees away from around this old "highway" bridge so we could watch trains. They also set up a picnic table and a park bench. There is also plenty of parking. Put this on your railfan list if you are a CR/NS fan. Make an attempt to stay at Tom Davis' Station Inn in Cresson too. You can sit on the front porch and watch trains all day and not move an inch if you wish. More shots from the area below.
Update 06/24/2003 I have just received notice from the mayor that the picnic area has been updated, the bridge painted and motel rooms are available in town. Check it out or contact John at
PHONE: 814-736-4880
Cassandra.JPG 91k NS 9482 Roars out from under the old road bridge which is now a great railfan spot. They are working hard here because it is still up hill.
NS Freight.JPG 88k NS at Cassandra  This manifest train moves West about 3PM. You lose the light pretty fast in October at this spot. You are down in a valley so the hills block the light.
Cassandra.JPG 89k NS/CR 5407  Eastbound pops out from under the bridge. This spot is difficult to shoot because of the lighting.
NS Freight.JPG 91k A stacker heads West. We are standing on the bridge for this shot.
Cassandra.JPG 88k Dash8 8342 works its way up the grade.
NS Freight.JPG 89k NS 9250  emerges from under the bridge as the tail end of a Westbounder tags along behind its train. This spot can be really busy or really dead. I have been here for hours and saw nothing. Today things broke loose around 4PM.
Cassandra.JPG 71k Two trains The TV train is headed East while the manifest train heads West. You can see we are about at the end of the Fall colors.
NS Freight.JPG 89k NS at Cassandra Well, time to move on to Cresson. We'll hang out on Tom's porch until dark then grab a bite to eat and return to the porch. There is usually an interest group of railfans there with whom to pass the time while we watch trains. Who knows, we may see something unusual.

Old Stuff

NS Freight.JPG 61k NS at Cassandra  This freight moves East to Altoona from Johnstown, Pa. We picked this weekend to railfan so we could get some snow shots. Jan 21, 2000
Cassandra.JPG 79k Cassandra, Pa. Interesting lighting and blowing snow effect on this East bounder around 4PM.
Cassandra6.JPG 65k Cassandra, Pa.
An Eastbound 10/99. Another nice Fall day at this great railfan spot. You almost always know when something is coming thanks to the talking detectors. Portage is to the West and Lilly is to the East.
Casand8.JPG 68k Cassandra, Pa.
An Eastbound Amtrak, possibly the Capital, rushes by in 10/99.

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Last Update: 12/22/2000
Ed Houk