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AOL SN: DraconAsilian

Double-Edged Saber
Boot Knife
Terrachule Saber - Paladin

- Martial Arts Weapons -

Shaolin Bo [staff]
Nunchakus [Nun-Chucks]
Bushido Blade

Arts of Fighting


- Special Techniques-

Dragon-Kai Chi
Sai Kinetics

- Vehicles -

Electric Motor-Bike ((Ask for Pic))

- the Berserker - Spacecraft


- None at this Time -

- Roleplay Basis -


~ RGoR ~ Freelance Forum
~ Anti-Dice ~
~ 43,503 exp ~
- Healer, Mage, Combatant -


This is a site that will give you information on the character inside of the America Online Role-Play Realm. The site will give you variouse information on facts such as where the Character of Dracon came from, what he does, his status, organizations, other things like that. All pictures of Dracon are courtesy of Aaron Vargas an excellent comic artist. If you'd like to visit his site go to the link provided. Meanwhile, check out the information on Dracon.

- History -

Dracon Asilian was born in raised in the land of Terrachule distant from the well known cities of today. The society he lived in was one of great moral rage. Extreme Fighting Competitions were held for the king and queen. Dracon the prince, saw a new order, at the age of 13 he protested the evil ways of his father and as a result was disowned. He was forced to participate in these tournaments and much to the kings surprise he faired well. He displayed a new form of fighting arts he had developed on the side. He was still experimenting with the energy manipulation. After winning the tournament almost flawlessly his father begged him to return to the thrown and lead a powerful nation. Dracon deviously accepted, little did the king know, his son Dracon used the riches and power to maximize his training. At the age of 18 he mastered the art of Sai Kinetics. He overthrew the king and banished him with his queen never to walk the earth of Terrachule again. He promised his people, the Dragon-kin, a new nation without fear, without dispair, and without the harsh rule of his father. It was on that day he embarked on his journey to other nations. With that he left his younger brother Crystor in command of the nation, to return again someday...

- Description -

His hair gives an accent to his description, it is actaully rare among his race. It was not originally a violet hue, it was once jet black, but over the years of training in Sai arts it developed into what it is now. He believes that the energy manipulation has that side effect, as he knows no others who practice his form of energy manipulation it is unknown. He is undoubtedly muscular, mostly shaped from his constant training. The attire displayed in the pictures above are his royal and fighting attire. He wears them in tournaments and when he walks among those in Terrachule. Otherwise he wears what is posted below.

- Alternate Attire -
He will sometimes wear a black leather trenchcoat, silver steel oakleys, loose fitting white cargo khaki's, black fingerless gloves, a tight black T-shirt, and combat boots.

- Techniques -

The Main focus of Dracon's power is the ability to manipulate natural energy. He develped the technique combining the powers of the forces of nature into one manipulated energy. The energy itself is of a blue, purple, or white hue depending on the power and class of the energy. The unique form of sai kinetics is its ability to be used in all classes of "magic" whether it is attack, defense, healing, or otherwise. This unique form of martial arts has allowed Dracon to increase his physical attributes and muscular adabtability. As a result of constant training he has found that he has the ability to withstand extremes such as hot and cold or sharp and dull. This gives him a slight edge, but not enough to where skills are not needed. His martial arts form consists of a combination of his own techniques and that of the Dragon-kin army.

- Status -

Name: Dracon Asilian| |Gender: Male|
|Age: 22| |Eye Color: Gold| |Hair Color: Purple|
|Height: 6'2"| |Weight: 232 lbs.|
|Training: Oasis Gym| |Marital Status: Single|
| Race: Dragon-kin |
|Interests: Football, Street/Drag Racing, Playing Guitar [Electric], Singing|
|screenname: draconasiiian|

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