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Drink Deeply

Drink Deeply

Drink Deeply, My Master,
Suckle the essence first,
Into thy parched mouth
Down hungers sultry throat
Rushing streams of sanguine juices pulsate
Within me, only to nourish Thy Soul.....

Drink deeply, my Phantom
While your flaming grip of passion
Consumes and feeds, I will be fed, as I
Inhale thy glory, so viscous
So creamy, and swallow thy heat.....

Drink Deeply, my Lover
There comes an instant,
One devastating moment, when the pain
Of your ecstasy renders me
Without breath and I walk with death,
And yet, ascend again, smiling.....

Drink deeply, my Soul
For should you deplete me,
Should the demands of your ever expanding need
Necessitate my total consumption,
Ravaging my essence,
I surrender all to thee with joy.....

Drink Deeply, My Spirit,
For as one body, one mind,
One heart, one soul,
We will escape together,
Only to be born anew as the ONE
We were destined to be.....

Drink Deeply, My Self,
For I am Thine.....

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