Little Reminders Of You

my digital angel eye candy

every time it seems like it might be fun to have a life
it out pours at me what wasn't fun about my life before i gave up
little reminders about the daily drama that drove me to being a recluse
I want to see the sun again, but i don't like the way it burns my skin.
So i think I'll have another drink and wash it all away.
    each time I look out my window, in search of something better
A tear forms in my eye knowing that I'll never find that
 little reminders of what sent my life into this abysmal place
 I want to see the sun again, but i don't like the way it burns my skin
So I think I'll smoke another joint and dream it all away
    I have nowhere to run to regardless of how fast
 It never ceases to amaze me, how dark a night can get
 little reminders of your face and what I have become
I want to see the sun again, but I don't like the way it burns my skin
 So I think I'll take another pill and watch it drift away