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days until DC BikeFest 2001

Hip Hugger = A passenger on the back of a sportsbike

; Registration code (if you have it) ; Optional URL link when the applet is "clicked". ; Reglink opened in new frame? ; Name of new frame for reglink ; Statusbar message ; Resolution (1 .. 8) ; Face 1 ; Face 2 ; Face 3 ; Face 4 ; Face 5 ; Face 6 ; Interactive mode ("YES" - "NO") ; Lightning ("YES" - "NO") ; Light power (1..100) ; Light min power (1..511) ; Light max power (1..511) ; X Rotation speed ; Y Rotation speed ; Z Rotation speed ; Optional background image ; Red in background (0 .. 255) ; Green in background (0 .. 255) ; Blue in background (0 .. 255) ; Clear the background ("YES" - "NO") ; Optional image over applet ; Over image X offset ; Over image Y offset ; Memory deallocation delay ; Loading task priority (1..10) ; Task priority (1..10) ; Min. milliseconds/frame for sync Sorry, your browser doesn't support Java. ; Message for no java browsers.

Hip Huggers Pics

Hip Huggers



