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Welcome to Creation . . .

You stand in a foyer, with only one visible door leading away from it. In a corner, two robed figures--one in black and one in white--are playing chess with disturbingly lifelike pieces. One of them is saying something about cheese, but you can't quite make it out.

Finally, the white-robed figure turns toward you, and you see the face of a beautiful golden-haired woman looking at you from beneath the hood. "Someone's stumbled across the foyer of Creation, Armagrodden," she says.

The black-robed figure looks up as well, nodding slowly to himself. "Ahh. I see. Well, before you enter Creation, you must answer one question." He pauses dramatically. "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?"

Before you have time to answer (or run away screaming from the crazy people, depending on your preference), the white-robed woman stands. "My name is Sharon. Care to follow me through that door to the rest of Creation? Because otherwise, you're going to be stuck in this foyer." She smiles slightly. "Which is the sinkhole of the combined twisted minds of Das Rach, DaMeggish, and Jack." She opens the door, inviting you to follow.

Enter Creation