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The Sentinel FanCan

Hi Y'all. My name's Wildeskind and I'm attempting to do the improbable, keep track of all the little details for the Faux Paws Production FanCan.

VS5 FanCan.
You can find the season line up of for Season Five and the FanCan for each episode.
Major Character FanCan
Here is a listing of the major characters and the fancan I have on them so far. This includes major returning characters.
Support Character FanCan
Here is a listing of all (soon) the support characters and the fancan I have on them so far.
List of Characters
Here is a listing of all the support characters by Episode.


FanCan Form
If you have a Virtual Season Five Episode that has no FanCan up yet, please fill in this form.
Comments Form
Write me with comments on this site.


Season Six Episode Main Page Submission Form
Help Jane! Fill out the episode main page details for your Season Six Episode.
Episode Due Date Calculator
Calculate how much time you have until your episode is due.

Created by Last Updated: August 6, 2000