Giving credit where it's due...

Copyright notices for all of the anime, manga, comics, american
cartoons and book illustrations I use.

Sailor Moon is copyright © 1992 Naoko Takeuchi/Kodansha, TOEI Animation. English Language Adaptation © 1995 DiC Entertainment.
Tenchi Muyo! is copyright © Anime International Company/ Pioneer animation.
Blue Seed is copyright © 1995 Takada Yuzo, Take Shobo, BS Project, TV Tokyo, NAS.
Devilman is copyright © Go Nagai/Dynamic Productions.
Ahh! My Goddess is copyright © Fujishima Kousuke, and in the US is distributed by Animeigo (the anime), and Dark Horse (the manga).
Slayers is copyright © 1991-1999 Hajime Kanzaka / Rui Araizumi / Kadokawa Shoten / TV TOKYO / SOFTX / Marubeni
Johnny the homicidal maniac,invader Zim, Squee, Happy Noodle boy, filler bunny and I feel sick are copyright ©1995-2001 and TM Jhonen Vasquez feel his wrath!

Stock art

Anime Inn: This is where I get most if not all of my anime pics. They have everything!
istockphoto: this site is really great for royalty free photographs submitted by it's users


Sassy Graphics: This woman has one of the best selections of dingbats all created by her for everyone to use for free
Jeff LeVive: Jeff's x-terminate font is responsible for the cluster fly logo he also offers a kick ass selections of
original free fonts and dings
Divided By Zero: Tom from Divided by Zero has been a huge inspiration in my art for a long time.
He's got an awesome selection of original fonts and dings in various styles all free!

Photo Impact presets, shapes and tutorials

Deb's Graphics: Deb's presets are wonderful!
Photo impact resource center: There isn't much I can't say about this site! It offers a huge collection
of tutorials, shapes, presets and all kinds of wonderful things a person could get lost in these pages!


My Mom: cause she always knows what's in style
My Husband: cause he likes everything I do
Ely: Cause he's not scared to tell me what sucks
Kimmie: Cause she has great suggestions and she lets me use her as a Guinea pig
Squidward: Cause she knows where all the cool things are