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Are You Facing Foreclosure?

We specialize in debt restructuring and mortgage loan modification. You need US Equity Solutions in your corner to fight the most important battle, the battle to keep your home!

Loan modification consists of rate/payment reduction, principal balance reduction, deed in lieu foreclosure, short sales and even emergency bankruptcy. We will hold your hand through the entire process and be your shoulder to lean on.

Quick Application

First Name:
Last Name:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Best time to call:
Mortgage Status: Not Behind on Mortgage
Behind 30days
Behind 60days
Behind over 90days
Describe your current mortgage problems:


"US Equity Solutions got me a 4.857% interest rate, saving me over $2,000 per month, and knocked $200,000 off of the balance of my mortgage. I love you guys!! Justin, you are the best!"
Peggy Sue, New Orleans, (301) 704-2977

"I can't believe how great you guys are! All the follow ups and standing by me while I was on pins and needles! And the results!! Oh boy, everytime I pay my mortgage I thank God for you guys. $1,200 a month off my mortgage??! Amen!"
Joanne Phillips, Missouri, (301) 704-2977

Benefits of Our Service Offered

Rate and payment reduction
Our team of litigators will negotiate with your current mortgage holder to aquire a low introductory interest that will end in a fixed rate 2%-4% lower than your current interest rate.

Principal balance reduction
If you're like most americans and you owe more than your house is worth, this is the best option for you. We will convince your current mortgage holder to bring you back down to par and wipe the slate clean.

Deed in lieu of foreclosure
A DILF is a deed instrument in which a mortgagor (i.e. the borrower) conveys all interest in a real property to the mortgagee (i.e. the lender) to satisfy a loan that is in default and avoid foreclosure proceedings.

All content copyright US Equity Solutions, LLC. Website designed and maintained by Justin Bartlett.