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The Castle Library


Come in.

Sit down.

Imagine me smiling enigmatically and gesturing vaguely to the immense and innumerable shelves behind the wing-backed chair of crushed, red velvet in which I am sitting. They are all yours for the perusal, you know. I brought them here for you and you alone. But who am I? I am His Royal Higness V-Jareth, King of the goblins, ruler of the Underground, keeper of the Labyrinth. But, my - don't we all get so caught up in titles and formalities? For now I am nothing more than your generous slave, the archive-keeper. So, please, feel free to look around. There are wonders in store for you. Just one word of caution before you toddle off. Whatsoever volume you decide to peruse, however, know that it is not a single tale to be told from start to finish. No - this entire library is one dazzling, multifaceted story with any number of stories occuring concurrently. Perhaps one day I'll get around to alligning the tales in more discreet intervals. But for now, look around and see what you can see. If you need me, I'll be here.

Down in the Underground

The Gates of the Labyrinth
The Stone Maze
The Silver Maze
The Underground's Underground
The Goblin City
The Castle at the Center
THe FiRey'S FoReST
The Bog Of Eternal Stench
The Vast Tract of Rottonness
The Hedge Maze

The Lands Beyond

The Shadowlands
Darkness' Domain
Genevieve's Palace
Prometheus' Temple


The Night of the Play
Sleeping Beauty, Awakened