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This is the first update since our surgery on 2/23/98. Well we recently celebrated our 3rd year anniversary of our successfully kidney donation/transplant. Being that I have not updated this site in quite some time, if will first give you an update on my situation (living donor) and then my fathers situation (recipient).

Both myself and my father are in good health. In fact, it is I who need to get in better physical shape. About a year after the surgery I was in the best shape of my life. I was lifting weights every day and running about 4 times a week. However as of late I seem to have caught a touch of laziness disease. I am still playing rugby from time to time as well as mountain biking, etc.

My father begun an exercise regiment about 2 years ago. As of now, he goes to our local gym about 4 to 5 nights a week and does a mix of aerobic activities. There was a point about 6 months ago when he started putting on a little too much weight. an However, after an inspirational talk he got his but back into shape again. Over all he is doing really well. My dad is still a little overweight and has vowed to get down to a lean mean 189 lbs by 4/23/02 (our 4 year anniversary date).

So in conclusion to this breif summary of how we are doing, I would have to say that we have been very fortunate. I will be sure to keep this section updated as time goes on. In fact I will add some recent pictures of me and my father in the next few weeks. As always, if you have any questions or comments for myself or my father, you may contact us via the contact page of this website.


This is the second update since our surgery on 2/23/98. In about 5 months we will be celebrating our 5th year anniversary of our successfully kidney dontation/transplant. Once again, I will first give you an update on my situation (living donor) and then my fathers situation (recipient).

I am still in good health. I have not had any complications from my donation now almost 5 years ago. I still have laziness desease though :O). I really n eed to get back to the gym. I just turned 30 acutally. Aside from that I'm working hard and trying to play hard too from time to time. Now for my father.

Just a week ago my father had his second hip replacement. My fathers hips were not in good shape to begin wiht before the surgery. Part of the reason his left hip (the most recent one) was replaced was due to all the anit-rejection medicine he takes. The surgery went as well as could be and his is at home now recovering. His Kidney is doing well too and his creatine levels are great. He too needs to start exercising again as well as me.

So in conclusion to this breif summary of how we are doing, I would have to say that we are still very fortunate. However, we both have to get our butts in better physical shape. I will post another update for our 5 year anniversary 2/23/02. As always, if you have any questions or comments for myself or my father, you may contact us via the contact page of this website.
