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Missing My Friend

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Jacqueline’s Junque



It was so wonderful
Finding someone like you.
Feeling like you always understood
Everything inside of me.
You brought so much to my life.
You filled my heart
With so much laughter,
My days with so much comfort
My life with so much love.
Somehow my problems
Didn't seem so big
Once I shared them with you;
And my triumphs
Seemed twice as important.
You never hesitated to lend a hand,
Always doing all you could
To make my days brighter,
And chasing away
The darkness of my lonely nights.
You won my hearts devotion,
And my never ending love.
Is it any wonder
I would be lonely now?
I miss you, my friend.

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<BGSOUND SRC="images/missmyfriend.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard here is "I Miss My Friend"
by Darryl Worley

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