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I am the darkness behind and beneath the shadows, I am the absence of air that awaits at the bottom of every breath, I am the ending before life begins again, The decay that fertilizes the living. I am the bottomless pit, the neverending struggle to reclaim that which is denied, I am the key that unlocks every door, I am the glory of discovery, For I am that which is hidden, secluded, and forbidden. Come to me at the dark moon and see that which can not be seen, Face the terror that is yours alone. Swim to me through the blackest oceans, To the center of your greatest fears. The Dark God and I will keep you safe, Scream to us in terror, And yours will be the power to forebear. Think of me when you feel pleasure, And I will intensify it, Until the time when I may have the greatest pleasure of all, Meeting you at the crossroads between the worlds.

Hello, Dark child,.. Well I am sure that since you are visiting my page there is something you want to know about me. Are you sure that you really want to know?? Come closer, let me peer into your eyes, see the soul that burns within, such delicate flesh! Ahhhh,. I see. Behind your eyes I see a great hunger!! You have a deep hunger for the things that frighten you. Like something in the dark that scares your entire being but you still possess the need to know and the ill-will to stay away from the,... "Darkness"

Some people that enter the crevaces of my mind wish they never had, and the findings torment their minds and torture their mere souls for every miserable day of their mortal lives,.

Well I will feed you what you plee,. My name is Zenobia,.. nothing nor anyone magnificent,.. I am to the say the least, a bitch and nothing you say or do to my will matter,. because I have no heart,. And I can proudly say that I do not not miss it!! It was ripped out one time too many and now I do not covet the emotion "love" I have done purrfectly splended without it for quite sometime now!!

I once was like you my dark child able to go out and feel the sun upon my golden flesh. but that was a long time ago and I don't see it as necessary that I prowl into that as of now. You will learn of the inhabitants of my disasterous mind soon enough!!

Anyhow I will try and satisfy the hunger that you are, and have always have experienced. but be forewarned. Enter my realm of darkness at your own will.

’°•†Boil On The Ass Of Darkness†•°‘((Mah PiCs))
†My Divine Mother†
†Derranged Quotes†
†Wicca``My Faith 0f Choice†